Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah
But whats puzzling you
Is the nature of my game, oh yeah, get down, baby
Pleased to meet you
Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah
But whats confusing you
Is just the nature of my game
Just as every cop is a criminal
And all the sinners saints
The Rolling Stones - "Sympathy For The Devil"
No hearing for 'no rats' officers
Sergeant who made, distributed T-shirts faces discreditable conduct charge
EDMONTON -- An Edmonton police officer accused and later exonerated of assaulting inner-city residents is one of four officers who wore "no rats" T-shirts to a police function during an investigation of him and his downtown squad.
But Const. Elvin Toy and three other officers who wore the T-shirts in June 2005 will not face an internal disciplinary hearing.
"The clear message from those T-shirts was, 'keep your mouth shut,' " Engel said.
Boyd determined there was insufficient evidence to charge Toy with assault. Toy was suspended with pay for a year during the investigation.
After the story about the racist e-mail was published, da Costa said there was no place in the Edmonton Police Service for racists.
"The e-mail was racist, discriminatory, disgusting and offensive," da Costa told his officers in an internal newsletter.
The Journal has learned that Radmanovich was selected by the EPS to give a presentation to the Citizens Police Academy, an informal seminar to help residents understand how the police service functions.
Sources said during his presentation, Radmanovich made statements about inner-city people, and his use of a Taser, that shocked some in the audience, which included Crown prosecutors and several members of the Edmonton Police Commission. Some commissioners later voiced their concerns about Radmanovich to da Costa, several sources say.
Also See
The Crime of Privatization
Death by Taser
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