Wednesday, June 07, 2006

The Accidental Budget

Oh is that why the bells were ringing in the house?

Tory budget passes - accidentally Liberals, NDP sat there, unaware

The MPs were apparently expecting Conservative MP Diane Ablonczy to address the House. When she didn't show up, the Speaker moved on to the budget, catching the small smattering of MPs in the chamber off guard. Not realizing they were voting on the budget at third reading, the Liberals and NDP sat quietly, enabling the measure to pass without challenge.

Too bad think what would have happened if they all woke up and realised they could probably defeat the budget.

Finance Minister Jim Flaherty, wasn't even in the House for the vote

This is a political gaffe.

Gilles Duceppe, the Bloc Quebecois leader, suggested it was either an error, as the parties opposed to the budget bill say, which shows that they are "incompetent," or it was not an error and they are "liars."

Gee Gilles thats the pot calling the kettle black. Guess you didn't take up Charest's challenge to bring down the government over Kyoto and the failure to pay Quebec its due.

Or they could blame it on the devil since yesterday was 6/6/6

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