Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Conservative Corruption

Is spelled Rob Anders. Our favorite self righteous right whinger, member of the Fraser Institute Rat Pack along with Kenney and Levant, found with his fingers in the taxpayer till. Lawsuit alleges MP faked office expenses

Now the Liberals see a sick dog and attack.
Liberals call for police probe of Tory MP over fraud allegation

The Progressive Bloggers chimed in with I told you so.

Even the Blogging Tories were aghast. Well one was. The rest were strangely silent over this turn of events. Silent as the grave.

Isvantffy versus Anders
Long-time Calgary MP Rob Anders' staffer James Isvantffy has dropped a bomb shell at the Court of Queen's Bench in Calgary. In his wrongful dismissal claim, Isvantffy makes allegations of fraud within the office of the controversial MP.

Tory corruption in Alberta, say it ain't so.

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1 comment:

  1. Aghast, Eugene? First you say the BloggingTories, and then you say just one. But who's aghast? That's a tad melodramatic, don't you think?

    You should think of writing for the Sun.
