Monday, June 05, 2006

Anybody But Chavez

In Peru the right wing celebrates a victory over Hugo Chavez. No he was not running in their Presidental election. The US and its right wing allies in Latin America a cheering a victory, mind you a pyrhic one, since the winner is a fascist who is particularly inept.

Victory for Garcia in Peru election

With 77 percent of the ballot papers counted, Garcia has won 55 percent of the vote with Humala on 45 percent. Commentators say the public has had to choose between the lesser of two evils.The news will come as a blow to Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who, as Garcia says, made no secret of his support for Humala: "Today, Peru has sent a message of national sovereignty and has defeated efforts by Hugo Chavez to incorporate us in the expansion strategy of his military and backward-looking model, which he has tried to implant in Latin America," said Garcia. Garcia's opponent has conceded defeat.

If the results hold up, it would make official a political comeback for Garcia after his previous administration ended in economic ruin, rebel violence and accusations of rights abuses.
Former president wins in Peru
García , 57, who once faced corruption charges and ended his first presidency in disgrace, sounded a note of contrition during a spellbinding victory speech before a throng of supporters. Voters had seen the race as an unappealing choice between a former president whose first administration had been an unmitigated disaster and a former army officer who once led a military rebellion. But voters saw García as the lesser of two evils.

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