Monday, June 05, 2006

Asymmetrical Federalism

The Harpocrite government has created a new form of asymmetrical federalism, with its denial of the Kyoto agreement.

First it was Quebec that said it would go it alone as a province in meeting its Kyoto targets.
Provinces can pay Kyoto tab, PM says

Now this;
Mayors to go it alone on Kyoto

And this:
Greenpeace teams with Quebec separatist parties to pressure feds on Kyoto

But it seems that less than 25 years after Trudeau left office, the stamp he put on Canada “is being undermined by a new generation of politicians who have no regard whatever for his belief in the need to maintain a strong central government,” says Michael Bliss.The historian may be right. The notions of “asymmetrical federalism” promoted by Paul Martin and Stephen Harper’s decentralist idea of “open federalism” (never mind the behaviour of the Chrétien government that all but delegitimized the federal presence in Quebec) would be anathema to Trudeau. He would denounce such practices as weakening the national government. Trudeau deconstructed

And maybe instead of a Made In Canada policy modeled on the US we should model it on China, who also didn't sign Kyoto. So says political hack Maurice Strong who created the Kyoto accord.

See: Kyoto

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