Saturday, June 10, 2006

State Capitalism Quebec Style

Quebec contributes to $630M CAE plan for new flight simulators

Corporate Welfare rules in Canada.

State Capitalism is alive and well in Quebec despite Charest's neo-liberals being in power. Here is another example of public capital being used for private profit (P3's). Whether it is a loan, an investment or a subsidy the problem is that it profers neither ownership nor workers control.

Nothing new here really, whether it is the PQ or the Liberals. Whether it is Bombardier or CAE, Quebec subsidizes and protects its industries, while asking Ottawa for funding to bouy up its manufacturing base.

The irony is that all parties in Quebec including the BQ support NAFTA. They aren't worried about soverignty as much as marketing into the protectionist market south of us, dominated by the State Capitalist Military Industrial Complex of the US.

Also See:

A History of Canadian Wealth, 1914.

Origins of the Captialist State In Canada

Canada's State Capitalist Success

Corruption, nationalism and capitalism

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