Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Loan Sharks

A B.C. court has finally charged a pay-day loan company for usury, charging interest over and above that allowed in Canada. In other words loan sharking.

Shark Attack

Senate Defends Working Poor-Challenges Loan Sharks

Loan Sharks by any other name

CathiefromCanada comments that this is due to banks failing to serve the poor. Good point. Of course the banks get away with gouging us legally, not only by paying us low interest but loading us with service charges. Perhaps it is time to nationalize the banks, or replace them with credit unions that are unionized and serve the poor.

Also See:



Hands In Your Pocket

Bank Theft

Greedy Banks

Credit Card Fraud

Tory Bankers

Service Charges

Money Money Money

Banks Cheer For Conservative Majority

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