Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Right Whing Whines About Gun Registry

I already got the usual right whing whiner comments on my Gun Control article about the Montreal shootings. Of course the gun registry didn't prevent this calamity but it goes a long way to reducing it. The Blogging Tories of course will not accept this fact and the usual whining has begun at their website. Watch for a it to cavalcade with the usual rants against Michael Moore, Layton, Gun control, gun registry, white bread...

So much for gun control!

Mr. Layton, please don't make this guy into some kind of victim...

Shootings In Montreal

Of course the reality is that the urban centres like Montreal and Toronto carry votes and voice on this issue and will respond with calls for keeping the gun registry, while the pro-gun lobby is rural Ontario and Western Canada.

As I said before this incident will bite the Harpocrite government in the ass.

And I see fellow blogger Scott Tribe agrees.

Also See:

Harpers Dawson Boo-Boo

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  1. seatbelts have saved more lives than we could count. people still die in car accidents though.

  2. Crimes go up because of population increases. Wait maybe we should try population control then....
