Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Pakistan Speaks For the Taliban

On Wednesday night, however, a senior Pakistani official insisted that Nato needed to reach an accommodation with the insurgency. “Instead of fighting Taliban militants, foreign troops should reconcile themselves to this reality,” he said. “If the western world makes the mistake of prolonging this war, we would only see a never-ending conflict”. Nato discord mars Afghan headway

Pakistan is once again defending its allies the Taliban. In order to maintain power in oil rich Balochistan (sometimes called Baluchistan) the province which has been fighting for autonomy, the Musharraf regime assassinated the leading spokesman for Baluchistan Autonomy this summer. Along with Pakistani regular army troops occupying the region Pakistan also has used its Secret Service, the notorious pro-Islamist ISI to negotiate a deal with the Taliban in the region to act as shock troops against the Balochistan peoples. It is this province that borders Afghanistan and the Pashtun region of Kandahar.

President Pervez Musharraf and the military are responsible for the worsening of the conflict in Balochistan. Tensions between the government and its Baloch opposition have grown because of Islamabad’s heavy-handed armed response to Baloch militancy and its refusal to negotiate demands for political and economic autonomy. The killing of Baloch leader Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti in August 2006 sparked riots and will likely lead to more confrontation. The conflict could escalate if the government insists on seeking a military solution to what is a political problem and the international community, especially the U.S., fails to recognise the price that is involved for security in neighbouring Afghanistan.International Crisis Group - Pakistan: the Worsening Conflict in Balochistan

While the Canadian government attempts to negotiate with Pakistan and share joint operations information to protect our troops from Taliban attacks from Pakistan, a better approach would be to support the Balochistan autonomy movement, demanding that the region be recognized for what it is a Nation. After all they did it for Quebec.





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