Thursday, December 07, 2006

Saved By The Bra

Victoria's Secret turns its back on West Fraser Timber due to concerns about caribou habitats

Victoria's Secret owner will stop buying paper from suppliers, including West Fraser Timber, that log in caribou habitat in the Rocky Mountain Foothills near Hinton, Alberta

In a statement Wednesday, Limited Brands said the growing controversy about logging in caribou rangeland is “of serious concern” and that the company wants to ensure that its paper consumption does not contribute to the demise of endangered species.

As part of the agreement, Limited Brands has agreed not to buy from suppliers that source material from Vancouver-based West Fraser Timber Co. Ltd., which operates a pulp mill near Hinton, Alberta.

The company's new policy also states a preference for fibre from forests certified by the Forest Stewardship Council, an international group that runs a certification program for Canadian forests.

Victoria's Secret mails more than 360 million catalogues each year. Limited Brands runs about 3,500 retail stores and reported sales of $9.7-billion (U.S.) last year.

Canada's woodland caribou have been designated as threatened by the federal government.

The last Liberal Federal government. The New Conservative Canadian Government hasn't decided on their extinction yet.


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