Well I posted my story on the crisis of the Caribou in Alberta, and I tagged it with technocrati.
When I checked for stories about Alberta I found this really offensive blog that appeared this week. It is an anonymous blog promoting Big Game Hunting in Alberta.
Now let's understand something about hunting, if you kill it and eat it, fine. If you use the skin and fur fine. But if all you want is a trophy, well that's where I draw the line. And yes I have my FAC and I have my Hunter Training certification, and I have my principles.
I also draw the line when it comes to hunting species whose only natural enemy is man, and who are limited in their numbers, whether the government decides they are endangered or not. These are not trophies (which is all Big Game hunting is about) they are sentient species and I oppose the hunting of these animals. Which includes cougars, wolves, black bears, and of course the Grizzly which is endangered.
Unfortunately everything in this blog is perfectly legal in Alberta. The influence of the Fish and Game Association over the governments wilderness regulations is only matched by the oil and logging industry. Wilderness and wildlife are 'fair game' (pardon the pun) in Alberta. Which is why we have a Grizzly hunt here annually.
Cougars, like the Grizzly, are rare and the hunt is regulated, thanks to FGA. Why you would hunt this magnificent cat is beyond me, but of course its all about the manly man macho of coming home with a trophy. And why it is fair game to kill wolves any time in Alberta is right up there with the Grizzly and cougar hunts as the stupidest policy this government has when it comes to Wildlife Management and Sustainable Resources. Now there's an Orwellianism for ya.
I suspect that since this blog is being promoted by an outfitter out to make some bucks off American hunters. This is really disgusting so I thought I would share my disgust with you by posting some of the descriptions from this blog.
Try Cougar Hunting In Alberta
The cougar, also known as mountain lion, puma, or panther, is North America’s largest member of the cat family. This alert, secretive animal is rarely seen which makes cougar hunting a real challenge. Cougar hunting is a rugged adventures and a unique hunting experience. Growing up to 10 feet long and weighing in at close to 200 pounds gives the hunter an opportunity to harvest a real trophy.
The cougar lives in ragged, forested areas, canyons and dense swamps at altitudes as high as 13,000 feet. In Alberta, a hunter will usually find cougars primarily in southern mountains and foothills, but occasionally they may be seen in other areas. Cougar hunting is regulated in Alberta. This is an effort to preserve these cats for the future population.
Cougar hunting begins the first of December and continues through the end of February. Cougar seasons are quota seasons that close early for resident hunters if the quota is reached in any given zone. The population has been very well managed which allows for better cougar hunting opportunities.
The best way to cougar hunt is to use hounds. The hounds will follow the cougar track and with alot of hard work and a little luck you will find a treed mountain lion at the end of the trail. The dogs will corner them up trees and hold the cat there. This gives the hunter an opportunity to get a good look at the animal and decide whether or not to let it go. This method gives the hunter an excellent chance of taking home a trophy cougar.
Wolf & Coyote Hunts In Alberta
Wolf Hunting in Alberta
If you are up to a challenge wolf hunting is for you.Many outfitters will add a wolf hunt to their big game hunts and will offer winter wolf hunting trips, when the pelts are at their best, and no other hunting seasons are open. Wolves may be hunted by the holder of a wolf license from the opening of any big game season until the end of the spring bear season. A great method for wolf hunting is using heated blinds over bait, stalking and calling. Baiting wolves is legal and effective and there is no limit on wolves.
In Alberta, wolves are found in mountain, foothill and boreal regions and cover approximately 60 percent of the provincial land area. Wolves are not considered rare or endangered in the province. Natural Resources Service estimates the provincial population (in Sept.) to be about 4,000 animals. This estimate is based on population counts in selected areas, and trapper and hunter harvest information. Go to Wolves in Alberta for an overview of the biology, history and management of this animal in the province.
Black Bear Hunts In Alberta Are Amazing
Once you’ve been black bear hunting in Alberta you won’t want to hunt anywhere else. Approximately 74% of the province is inhabited by black bear and much of it is largely undisturbed, the color phases range from dark chocolate brown to blond, many bear harvested in Alberta have made the Boone & Crockett and Pope & Young record books. If this isn’t enough to convince you, then the 2 bear limit in most areas should! Where else can you have the opportunity to harvest two black bears in one hunt! Contact the outfitters directly to book your black bear hunting trip in Alberta
Spring and Fall black bear hunting provides the hunter with a variety of opportunities. Your hunt will be productive and you will have a great chance of getting trophy black bears. Many outfitters will add other hunts to your fall black bear hunts including moose, whitetail deer, mule deer and elk.
The average male black bear will weigh anywhere from 250-450 pounds and are between 5 - 5 1/2 feet from nose to tail. Many outfitters have harvested black bear above the average ranging from 6 - 8 feet nose to tail and up to 600 pounds. Alberta is estimated to have over 36,000 black bear!.
Baiting black bear is allowed in most areas as is spot and stalk and either method will be productive. Hunting black bear over bait will give the hunter the opportunity to get close enough to see the quality of the hide, this is perfect for the archery or muzzeloader hunter. Spot and stalk hunting can be very productive as well. It’s almost a certainty you will get a shot at a trophy black bear no matter what method you use.
Big Game Hunting
endangered species
"if all you want is a trophy, well that's where I draw the line."
Trophy hunting betrays complete ignorance of the natural world. To go out and look for and kill the biggest and fittest animals is the perfect way to ensure that the hunted species will grow progressively smaller and weaker.
Exactly which is what the Alberta government calls it wildlife or resource management, they are managing to depelte the species to a level of controlable and artificial scarcity.
"if all you want is a trophy, well that's where I draw the line."
With respect, it seems to me that if you are a libertarian this is an inconsistent and incoherent position to hold. There is no coherent libertarian distinction to be made between "if you kill it and eat it, fine. If you use the skin and fur fine" and "But if all you want is a trophy, well that's where I draw the line."
There is a coherent distinction, trophy or sport hunting is the last vestiges of the aristorcracy. The result of the commodification of animals as other. Which of course led to the destruction of the Bison/Buffalo across North America as the Railway brought out Eastern nouveau riche to the prairies to kill from their trains.
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