Friday, January 26, 2007

Conservative Nanny State

Here is a another example of the Conservative Nanny State bailing out the private sector.

Private cable companies, Shaw and Videotron, who leech off the public air waves and off the municipal cable infrastructure, pull a capital strike over the Canadian TV Fund and the Conservatives make up the difference.
Ottawa to contribute $200 -million to TV fund

Oda's announcement Friday "saved the day" as a show of confidence in the fund and a step toward a long-term solution, Barrett said.

Her willingness to reviewing the fund's rules and structure showed "open mindedness," Videotron executive vice-president Luc Lavoie said Friday. But the company's terms aren't negotiable.

"It's not enough (for the government) to say 'We will review,"', he said from Montreal. "We want to know the details, we want to know where it's going. Because even though we're going in there with an open mind, we're going in there with a very firm position as well."

Videotron, along with Rogers Communications (TSX:RCI.B), Cogeco (TSX:CGO) and Bell ExpressVu have been invited to the Tuesday meeting, he said. Rogers Communications declined comment on Friday.

Cable companies were supposed to provide the public with free open access when they were first licensed. Today they are virtual monopolies, who have abandonded free public access for their own 'community' programming, which is simply company promotional information.

And they are multimillion dollar empires, funded by you and I both directly and indirectly, whose responsibility for producing Canadian Content is far less than
CBC or even the private media monopoly CTV.

And Videotron which is part of the Quebecor empire, which includes the Sun newspaper chain, has a terrible reputation for labour relations with its unions. And Quebecor itself is shedding jobs by the thousands across North America as it upgrades its newspaper and magazine technology.

The private media monopolies who sup at the public trough attack the CBC and the Canadian Television Fund in order to line their own pockets at our expense. And Bev Oda coming from the private sector media is only too willing to dish out for them.


Death of Channel Ten

Who Benefits From Telco Deregulation

Pro Monopoly Tories

The Alternative To CBC

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:19 PM

    "The fund counts on the two companies for 20 per cent of its revenues, Barrett said."

    Where does the rest of the money come from?

    "OTTAWA (CP) - Heritage Minister Bev Oda has renewed $200 million over two years to the Canadian Television Fund,"

    Contrary to your assertion that this was some sort of industry bailout, it was a continuation of long-term government funding. I do agree though, we should stop funding this to the tune of $100 million a year.
