Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Dion Back Tracks On Afghanistan

It was only a month ago, when Stephane Dion running for Leadership of the Liberal Party declared he opposed the use of Canadian Troops to fight in Kandahar.

Today, well he would like to know more about the Afghanistan Mission, gee maybe he should check his cabinet notes, since it was the Liberals who sent them.

Meanwhile his second in command the warmonger Iggy says;

when asked if he could contemplate any circumstance in which Liberals would call for the withdrawal of Canadian troops.

"I can't see any,'' Ignatieff told reporters.

He said there is "absolutely clear water'' between the Liberal and NDP positions.

"Our position is we support the mission, we support the troops but we have very strong questions about the way the mission is being handled and managed.''

Gee thats not what Gerard Kennedy said during that same leadership race.

Liberal Leadership Rivals On Afghanistan

Yep "clear water", clear as mud. Turpitude continues to swirl around the issue of Afghanistan for the government, her majesty's loyal opposition and the BQ.

The NDP remains the only party consistant on their position of the Harpocrites War.


Liberal Leadership Race


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