Friday, April 27, 2007

Heat Not Light

Well the Federal Government has finally caught up with me, I have been using compact fluorescent lights for over a decade.Canada to ban traditional light bulbs But you know what, my electricity bill has not gone down, it has gone up! Because of energy deregulation in Alberta and increasing gas costs.

And these bulbs also contain mercury, so you can't just junk them in the garbage. Efforts to recycle industrial fluorescent bulbs for their mercury is in an infant stage and not yet fully developed as an industry in Alberta. With an increase in use of compact fluorescent bulbs, this becomes an important need that has to be met.

Thus another Conservative plan that produces more ecological problems than it fixes. And one aimed not at industrial responsibility but at consumers.

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1 comment:

  1. One thing that intrigues me is that in Canada (opposed to New Zealand), heat produced by traditional light bulbs is not as much of a negative loss.

    If I can believe Wikipedia: Incandescent_light_bulb, in Scandinavia heat is actually used: [...] especially in Scandinavia, where the heat emitted by incandescent bulbs is used to heat the home. [...]

    Isn't it so that traditional light bulbs, at least part of the year, also HELP heating the home, a positive contribution of the traditional light bulb?

    I'm living in house with electric heating, so my theory is that in the winter, it doesn't really matter to leave the lights on since most of the energy is used for heating the house, right?

    In New Zealand, given their warmer climate, it makes more sense to have to change light bulbs, but in Canada? What's your idea on this?
