Monday, June 18, 2007

Lord Black No Robin Hood

Black accused of stealing, 'plain and simple'

From the little people; shareholders. Those whom Lady Black dismisses with the aplomb of Marie Antoinette.

The prosecution painted Conrad Black and his co-accused as fraudsters who systematically committed theft from Hollinger International shareholders.

The accused took a "slice of their company's profits" and "created a phony paper trail to make their actions appear legitimate

"We are here because five men systematically stole over US$60 million from the shareholders of Hollinger International."

"Conrad Black was paying himself not to compete with himself. It's ridiculous."

Also See:

Conrad Black

Criminal Capitalism

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1 comment:

  1. The accused took a "slice of their company's profits" and "created a phony paper trail to make their actions appear legitimate

    Problem is, making the paper trial in and of itself makes the actions legitimate. Quod erat demonstrandum.
