Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Paris Discovers Jesus In Jail

Jail in Amerika is the greatest source of Christian conversion for celebrities and other criminals.

More so than churches, TV Evangelism or even traveling revivalist sideshows.

And now we have another celebrity who goes to jail and discovers god. Paris Hilton goes to jail in LA where she discovers Jesus. As if that is a surprise. There are thousands of them in jail in LA county.

Better yet before her conversion there was a miracle of biblical proportions in the LA jail.

Because Paris Hilton was let out of jail, when this team of Auxiliary women from the Gideons International went in to the jail, they were able to hand out exactly the number of bibles they had gathered and because Paris was not in jail at that time, the floor that she would've been on — if she had been there — was left open for the women to do their bible distribution.

So because Paris was not in jail (for reasons apparently only God knew at the time) all the women inmates on Paris's floor received a copy of a Gideon bible.

Latinos who suffer, like Amerika's blacks, a race war against them by the Law and Order right, get why jail is no place for conversion.

Angel Perez says it's important his children know that jail is a dreadful and dangerous place, not one he wants them to see - not even on a visit.

The rate of imprisonment for Latinos is "about 50 percent higher than it should be," said Marc Mauer, executive director of the Sentencing Project, a Washington think tank on criminal justice policy.

"Nationally, 20 percent of the U.S. prison population is Latino. In society, however, Latinos represent 13 percent of the population," Mauer said.

The rate of imprisonment of celebrities in LA county in a year is far less than an average weekend round up of Latino and African Americans.

And the majority of them are Christians. As you can tell from their tattoos.



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  1. Hi Eugene

    I really like the comment "celebrities and other criminals". That was A-1 for sure. You've probably heard about some study or other that showed people undergoing rellgious "conversion" demonstrate a notable decline in personal behaviour. More fights, rapes, alcohol, etc.. I just forget where I saw this but I'll probably write this one up in Shagya Blog sometime soon.


  2. It does make you wonder, though. If Jesus spends so much time hanging out in jails and with folks like Paris Hilton, is he really the kind of guy you want your kids to meet?

    1. Jesus does not judge, a jail and a beautiful home are no different to him. Wouldn't you love to have someone that will never leave your side even when your wrong and at your worst?

    2. Jesus does not judge, a jail and a beautiful home are no different to him. Wouldn't you love to have someone that will never leave your side even when your wrong and at your worst?

    3. Jesus does not judge, a jail and a beautiful home are no different to him. Wouldn't you love to have someone that will never leave your side even when your wrong and at your worst?
