Thursday, July 05, 2007

Overturn This

Our law and order pro military federal government likes to overturn Liberal government laws, how about this one. Betcha they don't.

Ottawa has always admitted mismanaging the veterans funds by failing to invest the money or to credit them with any interest.

However, the government decided to start paying interest in 1990, but passed legislation blocking claims for interest before then.

It was that law the Supreme Court upheld in 2003.

By some estimates, the award would have topped $6 billion with accrued interest had it been allowed to stand.


Rememberance or Revisionism

Harper War Monger

An End to Colonial Assimilation?

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  1. "However, the government decided to start paying interest in 1990, but passed legislation blocking claims for interest before then."

    Quick Sherman, to the Wayback machine! Who formed the Federal Government back in 1990 when this lovely little law was passed?

    Hint: Not the Liberals....

  2. You are right by golly it was the last Conservative government.
