Friday, August 31, 2007

Closing The Barn Door

Alberta premier promises public input on nuclear plant

Sure but the Nuke Alberta gang has already has announced that it has a site.

Calgary-based Energy Alberta revealed plans for what could become the province's first nuclear power plant yesterday but remained tight-lipped on a consumer who would use the majority of its energy. Energy Alberta announced it has filed an application with the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission for a license to own and operate a nuclear power plant 30 km west of Peace River.

Public transparency about this company and its links to the Government would go along way to really revealing whose pushing this.And that is not something we will get from this government regardless of 'public hearings'.

An upstart Alberta firm with no experience in nuclear energy has taken its first official step to build the province's first nuclear power plant, saying yesterday that it has the backing of a large but unnamed company working in the province.

The provincial government is open minded on potential future energy sources, said Jason Chance, spokesman for Alberta Energy Minister Mel Knight.

Energy Alberta Corp., run by Calgary entrepreneur Wayne Henuset, has filed an application for a licence to prepare a site for its proposed $6.2-billion nuclear power plant with the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission. Formed in 2005, Energy Alberta is also backed by Hank Swartout, founder and former CEO of Precision Drilling Trust, the company he built into the country's largest driller of oil and natural gas wells.
Besides the Stelmach government loves public hearings.It's a sop to democracy in by the One Party State. The public can have their say and the government will ignore their recommendations.

Also See:

Nuke The Tar Sands

Dion Pro Nuke

Cutting Your Nose



Peak Oil

Tar Sands

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