Friday, August 24, 2007

Police Black Bloc

You can't tell the players from their face masks you have to look at their boots.

Union leaders say these three men demonstrating in Montebello are actually a Quebec provincial police officers.

Union leaders say this man demonstrating in Montebello is actually a Quebec provincial police officer.

In this image taken from the scene, the 'protesters' and police are wearing similar boots, although the boots on the 'protesters' appear to have duct tape and spray paint on them.

The YouTube video shows Dave Coles, president of the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union, ordering three masked men back from a line of riot police.

The YouTube video shows Dave Coles, president of the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union, ordering three masked men back from a line of riot police.

During the era of the Viet Nam war protests we used to be able to tell the police undercover agents and agent provocateurs by the fact no matter what else they wore they always wore police issued boots. Some things never change.

Quebec police admit agents posed as protesters

MONTREAL–With the proof caught on video, Quebec provincial police were forced to admit yesterday that three undercover agents were playing the part of protesters at this week's international summit in Montebello, Que.

As the MacDonald Commission revealed agent provocateurs were often used by the RCMP in the seventies to infiltrate far left groups and promote the idea of armed struggle. Today not much has changed.

QPP admit to ‘agents' but not ' provocateurs'


After all these are the same folks that said this;

Officers never posed as protesters: Quebec police

I mean since the cops have all this fancy riot and crowd control equipment it's a drag not to be able to use it. So why not provoke some violence so you have an excuse to bust heads.

The irony in all this is that these guys may not have been exposed so easily if it had been a larger demonstration.

On Wednesday, the mayor of Montebello thanked police and protesters, praising the fact that there wasn't a single report of damage during the two-day summit.

Whose 'sad' now Mr. Harper.


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Infantile Leftism

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