Thursday, October 04, 2007

Burma Watch

Researching Burma I discovered that Redmonton is home to the international Burma Watch organization. Despite having only a small Burmese population, it plays an important role internationally as a voice of opposition to the military junta.

Protest at the Legislature
Edmonton Sun, Canada - 28 Sep 2007
“We are supporting the courageous Buddhist monks and civilian protestors,” said Than Aung, president of Burma Watch International, an Edmonton-based human ...
Local Burmese concerned about homeland
Edmonton Journal, Canada - 24 Sep 2007
EDMONTON - Edmonton's tiny Burmese community is watching a mass protest of monks in their home country closely, offering their prayers and financial support ...
Local Burmese cut off from net
Edmonton Journal, Canada - 28 Sep 2007
Edmonton has a Burmese community of about 150 to 200 people. Maung, a former Buddhist monk, fled the country after the 1988 crackdown. That mass protest was ...

For those in Redmonton interested in ongoing campaigning in light of the current crisis in Burma should consider joining Burma Watch.

2007 October 14 - Burma Watch International Annual General Meeting

We, the executive of Burma Watch International, invite you to attend our Annual General Meeting.

  • Date: Sunday, October 14, 2007
  • Time: 2 to 4 p.m. (14:00 to 16:00)
  • Location: International Center
    Main level of HUB Mall
    University of Alberta
    Edmonton, AB

For those of you in other cities in Canada here is a list of Burma Solidarity committees.


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