Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Economics 101

A rose is a rose, a recession is a recession, no need to get 'technical' about it.
'Technical' recession possible: Flaherty
Prime Minister Harper says Canada is facing a "technical recession"
Canada to be hit by recession, 7.5% jobless rate, OECD warns
Oshawa's 96% jump in employment insurance recipients leads country
Number of Canadians on EI rises 3.9 per cent from last year: StatsCan
More working Canadians using food banks: study
A recession refers to economic contraction, a real decline in economic output as measured by the change in gross domestic product. Most recently, Canada experienced recessions in the mid-1970s and the early 1980s and 1990s. In each case, real GDP shrank and unemployment rates climbed into double digits.

Common Sense

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