Sunday, June 09, 2019

Our alt right Alberta government has been approving social conservative agenda items with dizzying speed. It put a moratorium on medically supervised safe injection centres. It is rolling back education legislation to make it possible for bigoted schools disguised as religious outfits to make it impossible for gay-straight alliances to operate. Now it is getting rid of the former government's efforts to ban conversion therapy. It won't be long before the haters are able to return to abortion clinics to make threats against women seeking abortion and health care providers.

And the Lord looked down on Alberta and said: give them a government that likes to throw stones at everyone who does not fit their narrow view of how people are supposed to behave. A government with stones in its heart. A government with a war room to throw dirt at everyone who disagrees with them. A government that will drastically cut spending on health and education. A government with no concern about the environment [Hmm, or was it the Devil who was doing the looking down].

Conversion therapy working group won't receive funding from UCP
A working group created by the previous Alberta government to study a potential ban on conversion therapy will not be supported by the new UCP government.



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