Monday, January 20, 2020

Rabble Rousers and Merry Pranksters: A History of Anarchism in Aotearoa/New Zealand from the mid-1950s to the early 1980s


1. The Early Years: The Mid-1950s to the Mid-1960s
Anarchism Before the 1950s .....................................................................................1
The Deadening Consensus .......................................................................................4
The Legend of Bill Dwyer and Student Provocateurs:Wellingtonian Anarchism ......................................................................8
Rationalism, Anthropology and Free Speech Fights:Anarchism in Auckland ..........................................................................................16
Aftermath: Dwyer the Anarchist Acid Freak .......................................................22

2. The Great Era of Radicalisation: The Late 1960s and Early 1970s
The Youthquake, Protest Movement and Strike Wave .......................................27
The Later New Left and Anarchism .....................................................................33
The Shock of the New: The Progressive Youth Movement ...............................36
From Protest to Resistance: The Resistance Bookshops and Anarchism .........49
Third Worldism and Direct Action Maoism ........................................................56
The Fun Revolution and Anarchist Groupings ...................................................60

3. New Social Movements and Anarchism From the Early 1970sto the Early 1980s
The Rise of New Social Movements and Muldoonism ......................................73
The Women’s Liberation Movement, Anarchism and Anarcha-Feminism.....75
The Values Party and Libertarian Socialism? ...................................................
Return to the Land: Communes and Anarchism in the 1970s ..........................83
The Peace Movement and Anarcho-PacifIsm ......................................................85

4. Anarchist and Situationist Groups From 1973 to 1982
Solidarity, Anti-Racism and Lumpen Activism: Anarchism in Auckland ......93
Anarchism in Christchurch Until the Late 1970s ..............................................107
Anarchism in Other Centres and the Unconventions .......................................116
Situationist Activity in Aotearoa .........................................................................121
The Springbok Tour, Neil Roberts and the Early 1980s ...................................126

Carnival and Class: Anarchism and Councilism 

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