Saturday, March 14, 2020

Here is how Trump could abuse his new powers now that he has declared a national emergency

March 14, 2020 By Matthew Chapman

President Donald Trump has officially declared the coronavirus pandemic a national emergency. In doing so, be potentially unlocks federal funding to numerous regional outbreaks, much to the relief of state health officials around the country.

But there is a dark side. According to Politico’s Josh Gerstein, a national emergency declaration also grants Trump a broad package of new executive powers — some of which are clearly ripe for abuse against the American people.

“Federal law gives Trump vast emergency powers in times of pandemic,” wrote Gerstein. “He could direct the quarantine of people arriving in the United States who exhibit certain symptoms or even if they’re just suspected of having the virus. He could have the federal government detain individuals if their illness might wind up crossing state lines. And under regulations revised and reissued just before Trump entered office, the government can stop and seize any plane, train or automobile to stymie the spread of contagious disease. Some even interpret the statute as meaning a president could deploy the military to cordon off a city or state.”

Many experts appear to be aware of the risk of giving Trump such powers.

“We can’t divorce this from the context of a president who has shown a willingness to abuse emergency power,” said the Brennan Center for Justice’s Elizabeth Goitein.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) similarly warned of what could happen. “As other steps are considered, the president must not overstep his authority or indulge his autocratic tendencies for purposes not truly related to this public health crisis.”

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