Saturday, March 14, 2020

‘Revolting sycophancy’: Retired general rains hell on Mike Pence for ‘devotion’ to Trump as pandemic spreads

March 14, 2020 By Tom Boggioni

Vice President Mike Pence got a severe scolding from retired four-star General Barry McCaffrey on Saturday morning for his fawning praise of Donald Trump during a Rose Garden press conference to address the coronavirus pandemic.

Taking to Twitter, the former cabinet official who served under President Bill Clinton lashed out the whole Trump administration for undermining U.S. national security with the handling of the health crisis while targetting Pence by name.

On Twitter, he wrote, “The Public Health Care system at Federal and State level has atrophied in the past thirty years. It is a crucial leg of US national security. It will take 5 years to reimagine and resource an appropriate capability. Corona virus is just the latest disaster.”
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He then added, “Revolting sycophancy by Pence and others in the Administration to Trump. There are eerie echos of ‘supreme leader’ adulation to all of this. That Trump tolerates or needs this kind of faux devotion is dangerous in a democracy.”

You can see his tweets below:

The Public Health Care system at Federal and State level has atrophied in the past thirty years. It is a crucial leg of US national security. It will take 5 years to reimagine and resource an appropriate capability. Corona virus is just the latest disaster.

— Barry R McCaffrey (@mccaffreyr3) March 14, 2020

Revolting sycophancy by Pence and others in the Administration to Trump. There are eerie echos of “supreme leader” adulation to all of this. That Trump tolerates or needs this kind of faux devotion is dangerous in a democracy.

— Barry R McCaffrey (@mccaffreyr3) March 14, 2020

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