Wednesday, March 18, 2020

central issue of his platform: the lack of affordable public health care in the United States.

Both Sanders and Biden have canceled a slew of live campaign events since March 10. And while some on Sanders’s team feel that the coronavirus has eclipsed the primary and slammed the door shut on his candidacy, they also feel that it raised awareness around a central issue of his platform: the lack of affordable public health care in the United States. 
One senior Sanders campaign source who is aware of the senator’s conversations about his future plans described this time in the campaign as an “unprecedented moment.”
“History tells us we can’t trust the political establishment in a time of crisis to look out for working people and low-income people,” the senior campaign source said, adding, “We’re going through a viral pandemic that could kill hundreds of thousands of Americans. Right now, Bernie Sanders has the largest, most powerful progressive platform in the country. … To describe this moment as uncharted would be an understatement.”
Mr. Sanders did not deliver a speech about the primary results, but earlier in the evening he broadcast his own online address calling for sweeping government action to remedy the economic damage of the crippling virus, including an initiative to give people $2,000 monthly payments for the duration of the crisis.
“We must make certain that this health and economic crisis is not another moneymaking opportunity for corporate America and for Wall Street,” Mr. Sanders said, eschewing any mention of the primaries

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