Wednesday, March 18, 2020

There's reportedly 'a lot of pressure' on Biden to pick Warren as running mate

Tim O'Donnell, The Week•March 17, 2020

One thing is clear about former Vice President Joe Biden's potential running mate: he's going to pick a woman. But there are several candidates for the job that present intriguing arguments for his campaign advisers, Politico reports.

But there's also Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.). It's no secret Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) both desperately want Warren's endorsement, but it may be somewhat of a surprise to hear that Biden's team is facing "a lot of pressure" to add her to the ticket, an adviser said. Warren and Biden don't line up too precisely on policy — the former tends to veer more in the progressive lane — but Biden has made some overtures recently, including supporting Warren's bankruptcy reform plan, so it's possible she's under legitimate consideration for the opening. Read more at Politico.

Over the weekend Mr. Biden held a phone call with Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, his progressive former rival, and endorsed liberal policies on higher education and bankruptcy reform in an effort to woo the left.

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