Thursday, March 19, 2020

Stromboli volcano spews lava as earthquake rocks Italy amid coronavirus lockdown - 

ITALY's Stromboli Volcano has been captured in dramatic footage as it spewed lava and ash, amid a 4.2 magnitude earthquake also rocking Calabria in the midst of the country continuing its coronavirus lockdown.

By RACHEL RUSSELL Tue, Mar 17, 2020 

Italy: Stromboli volcano spews lava and ash into air
Footage of the volcano eruption emerged on Twitter shortly after midnight. Videos show an orange glow rising out of the volcano, as thick smoke billows into the night sky. One person wrote on Twitter: “Not to say, but Stromboli continues to cough and came out again a few minutes ago.”
Stromboli volcano: Blanket of ash covers Italian island

Anna Zanin expressed her shock at hearing about the natural disasters occurring.

She added: “Last email I wrote to a colleague five hours ago ended with the words #StayPositive because we’re fighting hard #covid19italy here and all around.

“Just woke up and discovering that there’s an #earthquake in #Calabria + #stromboli going on.

“What’s wrong with us?”

Italy's Stromboli volcano spewed ash amid an earthquake in Calabria (Image: TWITTER/USGS)

CORONAVIRUS+TERREMOTO+STROMBOLI CHE ERUTTA=2020 #calabria #terremoto #COVID19italia #coronavirus
— Caterina (@Caterin16752552) March 17, 2020

A magnitude 4.3 earthquake also shook Nocero Scalo, Calabria, in Italy, at 12.52am UTC.
It is not known yet if there are any injuries or structural damage.
The mild quake saw a depth of 34.3km, according to USGs.

Some people were able to see the situation in the European country through a lighthearted perspective.

READ MORE: Stromboli volcano: Blanket of ash covers Italian island

Video footage shows Stromboli lighting up the night sky with an orange glow (Image: TWITTER)
  Italy volcano erupts: Lava pours down Stromboli volcano

Jessica Princ wrote on Twitter: “Look, I prefer quarantine over earthquake.”

Another Twitter user, simply named Ruby, had comforting words for people living in Calabria.

She wrote: “Stromboli is always sprightly but it is not the cause of the seismic swarm in Calabria.

“It is the faults in motion that are many and sometimes decide to scare.


Italy volcano eruption satellite image: Stromboli BLOWS [PICTURES]

Italy volcano erupts: Lava pours down Stromboli volcano [WATCH]

Stromboli volcano erupts: Italy volcano explodes [DEVELOPING]

Italy has seen at least 1,800 deaths over coronavirus (Image: EXPRESS)

“A hug for all of you, this night will also pass”

The volcano eruption and earthquake after Italy became the hardest-hit European nation so far from coronavirus.

There have been at least 1,800 deaths and the Foreign Commonwealth Office (FCO) advises against all but essential travel to all of Italy.

This includes Sicily and Sardinia.

magnitude 4.3 earthquake also shook Nocera Scalo, Calabria (Image: USGS)

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