Monday, April 20, 2020

Postdigital Possibilities: Operaismo, Co-research, and Educational Inquiry
Patrick Carmichael

Postdigital Science and Education volume 2, pages 380–396(2020)Cite this article


There are parallels between the post-Marxist traditions of operaismo (workerism) and autonomism and emerging ideas about the ‘postdigital’. Operaist analyses and approaches, and particularly the work of Romano Alquati on co-research, have the potential to contribute to discourses as to what might be involved in postdigital inquiry in educational settings, and to better understand of critical data literacies. For such educational inquiry to evolve into a comprehensive strategy of ‘co-research’, it is argued that what is needed are models of teacher inquiry with the potential to challenge dominant rhetorics, to support emancipatory research and development, and to establish the postdigital as a counter-hegemonic educational programme.

Original Articles
Open Access
Published: 13 December 2019

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