Monday, April 20, 2020

The crises of capitalism as political crises: from Tronti’sworkerism to Amable and Palombarini’s neo-realism.



The following paper's aim is twofold. First, it wishes to retrace the interaction between the concepts of “crisis” and“political” within Italian workerism. According to Tronti, all crises of the Capitalist mode of production are the results of “real” political crisis, pointing at class conflict as the main source of change during the Capitalist era. This concept of crisis appears to be useful in explaining today’s crisis. This statement is validated by recent works proposed by Amable and Palombarini and the interest raised by their neo-realist approach. The differences between these two models will be underlined over the article and will culminate in a final part that will not aim for an impossible synthesis, rather it will highlight new research paths, so as to keep open the work of repoliticisation of political economy started by Amable and Palombarini.

Keywords: crisis, politics, workerism, classes, social alliances

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