Sunday, August 09, 2020

Europe stunned by US coronavirus bungling
AP 2020-08-09

US President Donald Trump signs executive orders extending coronavirus economic relief, during a news conference in Bedminster, New Jersey on Saturday. The United States has registered over five million cases in the coronavirus pandemic, Johns Hopkins University's tally showed on Sunday, as well as over 162,000 deaths as the country struggles to control the disease.
The United States’ failure to contain the spread of the coronavirus has been met with astonishment and alarm in Europe, as the world’s most powerful country registered over 5 million confirmed infections as of Sunday.

Perhaps nowhere outside the US is America’s bungled virus response viewed with more consternation than in Italy. Italians were unprepared when the outbreak exploded in February and the country still has one of the world’s highest official death tolls at 35,000.

But after a strict nationwide 10-week lockdown, vigilant tracing of new clusters and general acceptance of mask mandates and social distancing, Italy has become a model of virus containment.

“Don’t they care about their health?” a mask-clad Patrizia Antonini asked about people in the United States as she walked with friends along the banks of Lake Bracciano, north of Rome. “They need to take our precautions ... They need a real lockdown.”

Much of the incredulity in Europe stems from the fact that America had the benefit of time, European experience and medical know-how to treat the virus that the continent itself didn’t have when the first COVID-19 patients started filling intensive care units.

Yet, more than four months into a sustained outbreak, the US has already hit an astonishing milestone of 5 million confirmed infections, easily the highest in the world. Health officials believe the actual number is closer to 50 million, given testing limitations and the fact that as many as 40 percent of all cases are asymptomatic.

“We Italians always saw America as a model,” said Massimo Franco, columnist with daily Corriere della Sera. “But with this virus we’ve discovered a country that is very fragile, with bad infrastructure and a public health system that is non-existent.”

Italian Health Minister Roberto Speranza hasn’t shied away from criticizing the US, officially condemning as “wrong” Washington’s decision to withhold funding from the World Health Organization and marveling personally at US President Donald Trump’s virus response.

After Trump finally donned a protective mask last month, Speranza told La7 television: “I’m not surprised by Trump’s behavior now. I’m profoundly surprised by his behavior before.”

With America’s list-leading 160,000 dead, politicized resistance to masks and rising caseload, European nations have barred American tourists and visitors from other countries with growing cases from freely traveling to the bloc.

France and Germany are now imposing tests on arrival for travelers from “at risk” countries, the US included.

“I am very well aware that this impinges on individual freedoms, but I believe that this is a justifiable intervention,” German Health Minister Jens Spahn said in announcing the tests last week.

In the US, new cases run at about 54,000 a day — an immensely higher number even when taking into account its larger population. And while that’s down from a peak of well over 70,000 last month, cases are rising in nearly 20 states, and deaths are climbing. In contrast, at least for now Europe appears to have the virus somewhat under control.

“Had the medical professionals been allowed to operate in the States, you would have belatedly gotten to a point of getting to grips with this back in March,” said Scott Lucas, professor of international studies at the University of Birmingham, England.

“But of course, the medical and public health professionals were not allowed to proceed unchecked,” he said, referring to Trump’s frequent undercutting of his own experts.

Trump’s frequent complaints about Dr Anthony Fauci have regularly made headlines in Europe, where the US infectious diseases expert is a respected eminence grise. Italy’s leading COVID-19 hospital offered Fauci a job if Trump fired him.

Source: AP

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