Sunday, August 09, 2020

Watching that ‘mushroom cloud’ over Beirut on Hiroshima's anniversary…Is someone sending us a message?

İbrahim Karagül
07 August 2020

Thousands of people injured, more than a hundred dead, 250,000 homeless, billions of dollars in damages, and the collapse of a country’s economy. Israel, a hostile country in the south, Syrian war in the East, the closure of Lebanon’s sea gate, a country whose entire economy depends on the sea.

A total of 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate was kept at the harbor for six years. Who kept it there, why, whose was the secret hand that kept it there, what was the purpose for keeping it there? The resulting blast, the explosion that was felt 250 kilometers away, even from the Turkish Republic of North Cyprus (TRNC).

Hiroshima’s anniversary, similar mushroom cloud: Does this mean ‘Watch your step’?

The image of that horrific explosion, that mushroom cloud, and two days before Hiroshima’s anniversary (Aug. 2, 1945), 75 years later, the world having to watch a similar scene unfold all over again.

Did Israel, which possesses nuclear weapons, or another power, make the Arab/Islamic world watch the scene of a micronuclear attack? Was the message they were trying to relay: “Watch your step”? Was a memory shock staged? Does this imply, “I will take over you as the U.S. took over Japan with two nuclear bombs”?

It is an ‘accident’ but… Unexpected things always happen in this region

So many ideas come to one’s mind. When the location of the explosion is Lebanon, Israel’s occupation and attacks aimed at Lebanon is known to all, the plans to spill the Syria war over to Lebanon are no secret, and Israel’s recent pressures on Lebanon are well documented, all possibilities must be considered.

According to official statements, this is not an unexpected accident. There is currently no finding to prove that it is an attack. However, the truth will be revealed in time. Unexpected things always happen in this region. Unpredictable evils are exhibited.

When the dust cloud settles, the second step is taken…

All sorts of unrest, plots, covert operations, dark messages, ruthless showdowns are exhibited. This region is the playing field of all powers. Lebanon is the laboratory of these games.

You will see the truth once the dust cloud settles. You will understand the picture when the next step is taken. The murderer is there, very close, and, most of the time, teary-eyed.

We will never forget these photographs, images carved into our minds

Grave chaoses have taken place in our region and continue to do so. A new photograph has been added to the shots we have not been able to forget and will not forget for the last three decades. It was like the war of symbols.

One cannot forget the pictures of the father and son after the invasion of Iraq, in the desert surrounded by barbwires, with sacks over their heads, that father using his hand as a shield to protect his son from the sun.

Abu Ghraib cannot be forgotten. The people of Baghdad remaining in their houses while outsiders were looting the city when Baghdad was invaded, that silent protest cannot be forgotten. Saddam Hussein’s execution, especially on the morning of eid, and the presentation of this execution to the world cannot be forgotten.

Sheberghan, Ahmad Yasin, enslaved Muslim youth

Images from Sheberghan prison in Afghanistan, the torture centers at Bagram airbase, the killing of the people brought from Mazar-e Sharif by raining bullets on the train carriages carrying them, their suffocation cannot be forgotten.

The CIA buying and selling the images of the Muslim youth in chains on the slave trade aircraft, that slave trade cannot be forgotten.

Sheikh Ahmad Yasin’s martyrdom by a missile during morning prayer, the participants in the assassination meetings held at Ariel Sharon’s farm cannot be forgotten.

Mushroom cloud over Beirut cannot be forgotten either.Are fears being instilled in our minds?

These were not only acts of violence. These were not only attacks. They were not only massacres/slaughters. These were messages given to the people of the region, to the Muslim world. Each of these were well planned mind operations.

That mushroom cloud rising from Beirut on the anniversary of Hiroshima is like this. It is unforgettable. It seems as though it was planned to carve fear into our minds, to imply something.

Let us say it is an accident and let it slide. Yet, if we do not question these, much worse events will occur. The new photograph operations of those planning unimaginable evils will be carved into our minds.

Everything was planned based on our weaknesses.

Yes, those who were keeping the 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate there are guilty. This is a weakness. If you notice, in every event experienced in this region throughout the years, “weaknesses” have been used as a camouflage. In Iraq, Saddam was bad, Afghanistan had al-Qaida, Syria had Daesh. They were all weaknesses, and all scenarios were plotted based on these weaknesses.

While we were busy discussing these only, they were dividing the region, splitting it between them, building thick walls between our cities, and plundering our resources and fortunes.

Harbors, airports, warehouses, silos, agricultural areas are targeted.

The pandemic changed the world in such a drastic way and it is going to continue to change it. The instruments of the war, the showdown are also changing and will continue to change. We are discussing bioterrorism, biological wars today.

We are discussing how humanity can survive, whether this will be continued, if yes, how we can fight it, which power and state will exploit it.

The explosion in Beirut is teaching new lessons: Harbors, airports, logistics centers, warehouses, grain reserves, agricultural areas, fields that are strategic for civilian life may be targeted now.

Nations may be punished with starvation

Countries, nations and communities may be punished with starvation. Wars or attacks may shift from the military domain to civilian domains, urban centers may be destroyed and nations collapsed.

Everything is starting all over again – such as new rights, new wrongs, new habits, new ways to settle scores.

Turkey must take into consideration new sorts of threats post-pandemic.

Turkey, which ran to Lebanon’s aid, which supported this country with all its might, must urgently identify the “new sorts of threats” and take measures after the explosion in Beirut.

New protection shields must be formed in the fields mentioned above, in fields related to food, health, and life sources.

It appears that the energy conflict in the East Mediterranean is going to further grow. Lebanon is perhaps going to be scapegoated in this fight. We will see this when the “second step” is taken.

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