Saturday, January 02, 2021

New York Post editorial board is off the Trump train

Trump is, the editorial pointedly states, “cheering for an undemocratic coup.”

Published: Dec. 28, 2020 at 3:50 p.m. ET

By Tim Rostan

Front-page editorial encourages Trump, whom the tabloid endorsed in November, to ‘stop the insanity’ and quit contesting Joe Biden’s victory in the presidential election

‘You lost the election — here’s how to save your legacy.’

That’s a stark front-page appeal from the New York Post editorial board to a president whom it endorsed during the 2016 Republican primaries and in the general election this year.

In short, the generally Donald Trump–cordial editorial page argues, the outgoing Republican should focus on mitigating damage to his legacy and helping to get Republican incumbents elected in Georgia’s dual Senate runoff elections, which are now just over a week away. “Stop thinking about Jan. 6,” when Congress is slated to accept (or, Trump and allies hope, not) the Electoral College outcome of the presidential election (a 306-232 win by President-elect Joe Biden), and “[s]tart thinking about Jan. 5,” the date of the Georgia runoffs, the tabloid’s editorial advises.

Victories by Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue over Democratic challengers Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff in those races, the editorial board writes, would, in maintaining a Republican majority in that chamber, apply a “much-needed check on [Biden’s] agenda.”

By continuing to argue that Biden’s victory was rendered illegitimate by election fraud, which no court in dozens of attempts has accepted as a truthful claim, Trump is, the editorial pointedly states, “cheering for an undemocratic coup.”

The New York Post and MarketWatch parent Dow Jones are both units of News Corp.

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