Saturday, June 12, 2021



Trypillia: 7000-year-old civilisation in Ukraine

The Cucuteni–Trypillia culture is one of the of the oldest civilisations in the world and dates back to 5,000 BC.
Since most of its settlements were discovered in the former communist countries in Eastern Europe, many mysteries of this ancient civilisation remain unsolved.

Video Journalist: Valeria Kovtun
Commissioned by: Griesham Taan

BBC Reel


Ancient Ukraine

The Trypillian culture of neolithic people in the Ukraine gives further evidence for Maria Gimbutas theory of a matriarchical culture in the region of the Ukraine, Lithuania, and the Southern Blatics. It is important to note that the Trypillian design work on pottery is similar to that of the Celtic Bell Beaker peoples of Central Europe. Which became part of the later Celtic design of the trifoil. These were the early proto-communist societies that Marx and Engels refered to.

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