Saturday, January 15, 2022


Liberalism, Realism and the Demise of National Values

Nikol Pashinyan, 2018 (Photo: Sofia Manukyan/The Armenian Weekly)

Color revolutions, such as the Arab Spring, had the support of the masses who wanted to create a just society. The revolutions strived to create an ideal society where corruption and nepotism would be eliminated, a fairer judicial system, individual rights, gender rights would be established, and liberal and democratic values achieved.

People took to the streets and rejected the status quo of corrupt authoritarianism in favor of a democratic civil state. However, social media globalized the support for these protests, galvanized the masses to come out and gained the support from the involvement of outside groups to mobilize in solidarity with the protests. Protesters demanded dignity, civic rights and the ousting of the regime whom they deemed responsible for their oppression. 

The revolutions were void of a national agenda and national values. They believed by demanding their rights, a better country would soon emerge. But these ideals of individualism created a breeding ground for the demise of national security, particularly in a dangerous geopolitical climate.

The epitome of this is the Velvet Revolution in Armenia and how the country transitioned from a secure (albeit corrupt) country to war and turmoil. 

The revolution in Armenia did not bring the changes it promised, resulting in mass distrust and disengagement from politics. Nepotism and corruption are still a sad reality in Armenia. The oligarchy is funding the present government, and some of them are elected MPs.

We have seen figures from the past regime still having influence in politics and control of the economy.

There is evidence of more political oppression and imprisonment of individuals who don’t agree with the current leader. The brutality of the police in treatment of protesters post-revolution is as bad as pre-revolution. The country has become a police state, and the PM is unable to walk freely without being surrounded by hundreds of security guards.

The decision making is centered around one person and his circle of cronies. The opposition is sidelined and rendered impotent. The media has been hounded and some of their rights taken away.

Liberalism did not improve the lives of the ordinary people. Liberal belief of a moral society was followed by the neoliberal mentality, which led to social fragmentation. These imported values of western liberal democracy caused chaos in the world, where society was not ready for these changes.

Liberal democracies are affiliated to conditions such as friendly neighbors and high education and living standards. Societies in western countries are more individualistic. These values cannot be implemented in societies that live in volatile and hostile regions, high poverty, with strong traditional national values and a more collective culture.

The liberal revolution destroyed Armenia as did the Bolshevik revolution 100 years ago. Both ideologies are against national values and beliefs. However, the latter brought security and acceptable living standards for the masses, whereas the liberal revolution brought war, instability and 30-percent poverty with huge territorial losses.

During the short-lived First Republic of 1918-1920, democratic values and civil liberties and equalities were combined with socialist ideology of fairness and social justice with a strong national ideal. Since the creation of the third republic and the Artsakh war of the nineties, and the national liberation movement, the national goals and ideals glued and united the society even to the heavy cost of democratic values and social justice. 

We had national pride and dignity, but the society was corrupted by post-soviet free market malice. The soviet-controlled economy was replaced by the oligarchy and neo-colonialists. 

It is the lack of forward thinking and greed that brought us to the fake revolution of 2018 and the subsequent national disaster.

Capitalism and liberalism are political doctrines that believe in protecting and enhancing individual freedom and rights. By contrast, nationalism believes that each nation should govern itself, free from outside interference and that the individual’s loyalty and devotion to the nation-state surpass other individual or group interests. Every nation’s natural and inalienable rights include its homeland – historical, territorial habitat – as its distinct environment. This must be protected as it is crucial for creativity, survival and development. 

The problematic relation between national identity and democracy distorted the emergence of healthy democratic institutions and social justice.

It is important to create a balance between nationalist, socialist and democratic values.

What is the way forward?

A society that is being controlled and manipulated in believing that individual rights are more important than national values cannot be saved by liberal values. Consequently, a young generation was lost during the 44-day war, and the country has become numb to the current tragedy and disconnected from its threatened reality. The society is fragmented, losing hope in a bright future. Pride and dignity have been taken away and replaced with a false promise of peace, better economic opportunities and the pride of realism over idealism. 

Salvation is having a truly strong, national leader or a political force that will bring social justice and fair democratic values in the country. A leader who has a strong national agenda and vision, who doesn’t view enemies as friendly neighbors. A leader, who doesn’t preach empty peace, unattainable when you are surrounded by genocidal neighbors. A leader who doesn’t have a corrupt past or is affiliated with external forces. A leader who believes in a secure and independent Armenia, without being a slave to any other country. A leader who celebrates the nation’s victorious past, instills pride but takes lessons from its bitter history. A leader who believes in a united Armenia but is fair and wise and has practical policies in achieving a glorious future and strengthens the crumbling national and state institutions. A leader who will unite the nation and use the potential of the diaspora in state building and championing the Armenian cause. 

When the nation identifies such a leader, Armenians will follow and unite to change their destiny. If that leader doesn’t come forward soon, then our destiny will be tragic leading to the demise of the state. People are not to be blamed. It’s the political elite that need to wake up for the national good and make way for a leader who will save the nation.

The future leader should advocate for individual freedom, national self-determination, independent, sovereign statehood, social harmony and economic well-being to secure unobstructed, multifaceted and sustainable development of both the individual Armenian and Armenian nation.

The stress is on the importance of a leader rather than a political party, as sadly the present reality in politics is such that people follow an individual rather than an ideal.

Excerpts from the ARF Manifesto

Capitalism, authoritarianism, and colonialism are all different expressions of domination and exploitation and are manifested in oligarchy, as well as economic, ideological, and cultural expansionism. The results are economic monopoly, disregard for national rights, neglect of human rights, ecological and environmental degradation, and political abuses often in the name of protecting human rights.

We need to create a sovereign state with national and democratic values to create a harmonious nation. Democracy is anchored by respect for human and civil rights and freedoms. It provides legal protection to freedom of opinion, the existence of multiple political parties, and complete freedom of speech. It also entails a separation of power between legislative, judicial, and executive branches of government on the principle of checks and balances.

The goal of a free, just, independent, and united Armenia will be through the rebirth of national liberation struggle!

Annette Moskofian

Annette Moskofian was born in Tehran and grew up in London. She has a masters in international relations and democratic politics. Annette is the chair of the Armenian National Committee of the United Kingdom.

The ARF Oath and its Revolutionary Tactics, Methods and Operations

«Կ՛երդնում պատուոյս եւ Հայրենիքիս վրայ՝ միշտ հաւատարիմ մնալ Հայ Յեղափոխական Դաշնակցութեան Ծրագրին, Կանոնագրին ու որոշումներուն եւ բոլոր ուժերովս – իսկ եթէ հարկ ըլլայ՝ նաեւ կեանքիս գնով – ծառայել Հայաստանի եւ Հայութեան ազատագրութեան դատին:» Translated into English it states, I swear on my honor and my homeland to forever remain faithful to the program, Bylaws and decisions of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF), and with all my might, and if necessary with my life, serve the cause to liberate Armenia and the Armenian people.

These words make up a powerful, bold, unwavering and relentless lifelong commitment and dedication to serve the liberation movement of the Armenian people and Armenia (the cause) via the ARF; more specifically, adopting the ARF’s revolutionary tactics, methods and operations (Bylaws, decisions and unwritten rules) to realize the ARF program (goals). In other words, it’s about continuously working through the organization for a lifetime to bring about a dramatic change, or series of changes, liberating or leading to the liberation of Armenia and the Armenian people.

The ARF oath incorporates a revolutionary mindset with revolutionary tactics, methods and operations

The ARF program is the “why” and the Bylaws and decisions of the organizations are the “how.” The ARF oath incorporates both the how and why as two inseparable demands of the ARF member from his or her first day of joining the ranks. The ARF has adopted revolutionary tactics, methods and operations as the preferred way to function in order to achieve the revolutionary goals outlined in its program. Thus, the ARF oath is unrelenting and unwavering as to both, and is revolutionary in nature with both substance and functionality as two complimentary parts of the whole.

To have revolutionary ideals and goals without adopting the revolutionary tactics, methods and operations necessary is to be a wishful thinker, hoping that someone else will create the ideal situation we all desire for Armenia and the Armenian people; at best a dreamer letting others work, and at worst a hypocrite who condemns those willing to be responsible, take action and accept the accompanying risks. 

Conversely, to engage in revolutionary activities without accepting the revolutionary ideals and goals outlined in the ARF program is a meaningless exercise that can lead to various outcomes, not necessarily the liberation of Armenia and the Armenian people. These are at best adventurers or thrill seekers who may help the ARF along the way at various points of the struggle, but since their actions are not driven by the ARF program, their goals vary and are not completely aligned, their path is uncertain and they can diverge at any given time, and even become enemies of the cause.

The ARF is a revolutionary organization that engages in a wide range of activities

Revolutionary describes the acts, actions or operations undertaken to bring about an abrupt change of the status quo to establish a new and better reality for Armenia and the Armenian people, and ultimately their liberation. The ARF’s revolutionary tactics, methods and operations lead to the realization of the Armenian cause, oftentimes equated with an armed response, rebellion or revolt as the quickest and most obvious, or overt, ways to bring about such an improvement to the Armenian reality. 

However, the ARF’s activities are not simply limited to that, and can also incorporate a myriad of other types of work as long as they stem from the revolutionary methods and operations that are the basis of its operations. Thus, the ARF is not precluded from engaging in political, social, community, organizational, educational or philanthropic activities but clarifies that all these ‘other’ initiatives stem from its revolutionary core in preparation for, in support of, and implementation of the revolution to realize the Armenian cause as stated in the oath and outlined in the ARF program.

The tools of the ARF’s revolutionary tactics, methods and operations are wide ranging

The ARF’s tools of the revolution include traditional weapons for the current, ongoing and continuous battle(s), and the inevitable ones that lie ahead; traditional weapons can be firearms or knives on the battlefield; pens or keyboards and the written word to educate, explain and encourage, or to disseminate information; politics such as elections, campaigns or alliances to garner support and establish allies; humanitarian assistance to improve social conditions to benefit the people; fundraising to financially support the revolutionary activities; organizational activities to rally the people into various components and necessary tasks to continue the struggle and be victorious on the battlefield(s); education to enlighten and prepare the youth and the masses for the revolution. But they must all stem from the ARF’s revolutionary tactics, methods and operations and be revolutionary in nature, leading to the upheaval of the status quo and replacing it with a better reality for Armenia and Armenians, as stated in the oath and outlined in the ARF program.

The ARF’s revolutionary path is grounded in and reinforced by its revolutionary activities and work

The ARF’s revolutionary mindset with its revolutionary tactics, methods and operations, including its wide range of activities utilizing the appropriate tool(s) necessary and at its disposal are all incorporated into the work it does and why; but it’s the work that its ranks do and the sacrifices each makes that brings it all together and transforms theory into practice creating a new reality based on its ideology.

Each rank and file member has knowingly and voluntarily chosen this long and hard revolutionary path and accepted the lifelong arduous journey dedicating his or her entire life to work to bring about advances and achievements for the cause. All the work stems from the ARF’s revolutionary core. It is based on revolutionary tactics, methods and operations, regardless of the arena or type of activity, and is realized by the commitment and dedication of its disciplined ranks working in unison for the same cause. 

Stepan Zorian

«Յեղափոխութիւնը նախ գործ է, յետոյ՝ գաղափար, այս է ճշմարտութիւնը: Աւելի ճիշդ՝ յեղափոխութիւնը գործ է գաղափարի համար» by Rosdom (Stepan Zorian); translated to English he states the “Revolution is first work, then an idea/concept. More correctly, revolution is work for an idea/concept.”

ARF Bylaws, Decisions and Unwritten Rules

The ARF Bylaws are its operating procedures, how the organization functions is consistent with and reinforces its adopted principle to utilize revolutionary tactics, methods and operations. The decisions of the various executive bodies also incorporate the revolutionary mindset and work as the basis for its activities. The ARF also has an abundance of “unwritten rules” stemming from its vast experiences over the past 131 years incorporating its traditions, passed on from its inception to today. These are not incorporated into the official Bylaws because the ARF is not a legislative body, but a revolutionary organization. It is not a government, parliament or city council but rather a revolutionary mentality translated into action by revolutionary methods. It is not a court of law and its Bylaws are not equivalent to statutes or codes. Its decision-making authority is vested in its executive bodies during their respective terms who oftentimes have to make quick decisions to be implemented by their ranks. The party is in a perpetual state of revolt and rebellion against the status quo similar to a military unit on the battlefield with no room for dissenters during the fight.

Of course, the ARF also has its plenary meetings where its activities and work are evaluated, proposals are heard and resolutions are passed, and new bodies are elected. Once elected the body makes the decisions, secures their implementation and leads the organization with supporters and sympathizers along the revolutionary path.

Thus, the Bylaws are more of a guide for the bodies and membership on how to function and should remain lean as to not restrict, constrain, or restrain the working bodies; the decisions are the specific activities, acts, action items, which are revolutionary in nature and incorporate the traditions and history of the party (“unwritten rules”) in both the decision-making process as well as their implementation.

The ARF is a revolutionary organization that takes swift action based on revolutionary tactics, methods and operations with a strict disciplinary order. It’s not one that simply has conferences and seminars, debates and discussions, makes announcements and conducts interviews, holds posh events or is preoccupied with appearances and popularity, but of action and doing the revolutionary work necessary to advance the Armenian cause. 

Garo Madenlian

Garo Madenlian

Garo R. Madenlian joined the ARF in 1988 and has served on various local ARF bodies including gomidehs in Montebello and Orange County. He has also served a few terms on the ARF Western USA Central Committee. Garo has also been a member of several local ANCA chapters and previously served on the board of the ANCA Western Region Board. Garo is a practicing attorney and partner with the Kevorkian & Madenlian LLP in Costa Mesa, California.

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