Saturday, February 26, 2022


Protesters in front of Russian embassy
in Skopje shout ‘Putin is a fascist’
demanding end to war against Ukraine

26 February 2022
Фото: Мета.мк

Dozens of citizens of North Macedonia and Ukrainians residing in Skopje protested against Russian invasion on Ukraine through a march from the main square of the capital of North Macedonia to the Russian embassy on February 25. They sung Ukrainian songs and shouted “Putin is a fascist, Putin is a murderer” while carrying signs reading “Russia keep off Ukraine,” “Stay calm and love Ukraine.”

Many of the protesters queried by expressed fear for the lives of their relatives who are currently in Ukraine, hiding in makeshift bomb shelters while Russian forces bombard their cities.

“I’m full of emotions, I can’t restrain myself. My family is in Ukraine, and we are all the same. We ae all one family. Every minute I write to my relatives: Tell me if you are alive? God protect Ukraine, protect the soldiers, they defend us,” tearful Olja Obrezhina said to reporter.

After the march came near the Russian Embassy, the protesters stopped in front of a police cordon that stopped their movement about 20 meters from its fence. The president of the Association of Ukrainians in Macedonia, Aleksandar Panovich, gave a statement for the media while standing among protesters carrying Ukrainian symbols and antiwar sings, as well as posters presenting Putin masked as Hitler. Panovich said:

“Our main message is for Russia to stop the war, to take their army back home. Starting a war is shameful. Our message is for them to make a diplomatic agreement. The Ukrainian people is ready to fight, they are ready for war. But we don’t understand why theyy bomb us, why do they bomb peaceful cities with rockets.”

A journalist from Afghanistan who identified himself as Karan also spoke in front of the Russian embassy, stressing that he knows how it feels to be exiled.

“I came to give support to Ukraine, because I know how it feels to be banished from your own home due to war and aggression outside forces,” said Karan from Afghanistan.

Pointing to the metal fence of the Russian embassy in Skopje, the protesters said it’s easy to judge who the aggressor is, because, they said, the Ukrainian embassy is open and nobody there is afraid of visitors, while the Russian embassy is guarded by police even though it’s surrounded by metal bars.

Ukrainian citizen Andrej Hafenic said:

“Russia is the aggressor. In the 21st century we have been forced to come to the embassy of the aggressor and tell them it’s not normal for people to get killed so Putin can remain in power. Our military is capable of resistance, but we reiterate, diplomacy should come first. This conflict should be solved at diplomatic level, to stop the war and to achieve peace. Peace in Ukraine, peace in Europe, Peace in the Balkans.”

“We want the people to know what Putin does in Ukraine, that this [war] is a human rights violation. I am sorry for all those little children and mothers who suffer. I don’t have family or friends in Ukraine, but I accidentally saw [the information about the protest] on Twitter and came to express my support. It’s saddening what happens to that people,” Kujtim Osmani, one of the local citizens present at the protest, said.

Three days before the protest, Association of Ukrainians “Lesya Ukrainka” (named after a 19th century writer) and the diplomats from the Ukrainian Embassy also organized a joint action at the Taras Shevchenko monument in the center of Skopje, under the motto “united for Ukraine”.

The aim of that public action was to demonstrate togetherness and unity of Ukrainians around the world and the Ukraine’s right to choose its own future. At the occasion, the president of the association Aleksandar Urbanovich said:

“Ukraine is at the front line of defending democracy and freedom. We call for a united front that will strive for the protection of joint European values and will remain determined to oppose the aggressor. Even when we are abroad, Ukraine remains in our hearts and we stand together with our homeland!”

Фото: Мета.мк

Фото: Мета.мк

Фото: Мета.мк

Фото: Мета.мк

Фото: Мета.мк

Фото: Мета.мк

Фото: Мета.мк

Фото: Мета.мк

Фото: Мета.мк
Thousands of Ukrainians living in European and American cities and their friends protested in front of Russian embassies and consulates around the world to send a message of stopping the Russian invasion over Ukraine.

Ukrainians living in London protesting the Russian invasion of their home country fear it's all they can do
Hesther Ng/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images

Russia invaded Ukraine early Thursday prompting global protests.

Insider spoke to two Ukrainian demonstrators living in London.

"All of Ukraine is strong if they work together," a protestor told Insider.

"Today, I came here, I took my flag, I took my everything, just to support my country," 19-year-old Yurii told Insider Friday at a protest in London against the Russian attack on Ukraine. "It's the only thing I can do."

Yurii moved from Ukraine with his parents to the United Kingdom six years ago and currently works in construction management. He was one of the many protesters taking part in global demonstrations condemning Russia's further invasion of Ukraine.

"Sometimes, these meetings won't actually help," Yuri added, but "it feels right to do, because I'm Ukrainian, and Ukrainian soul, even though I've lived here for a long time. I have to come."

Protesters gathered in London to demonstrate against the Russian invasion of Ukraine on Friday
Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images

They largely called for more government action.

Though Yurii said that the UK has made a substantial effort to assist Ukraine, he said more manpower from Western countries would help their defense.

"At least to be million percent sure, because we are sure that Russia will not do much harm. But we need more protection. We need air protection," said Yurii.

Yurii told Insider that his grandparents still live in Ukraine and that they have decided to stay in the country
Henry Dyer/Insider

His grandparents told him that they are scared, but over the phone, they've had one consistent message: "I'm happy that my grandkids, my kids, are actually out of the country. Youngsters are out. We are old, we are already 60s."

A Ukrainian demonstrator told Insider that 'Ukraine is strong if they work together.'

Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images

Anton, who moved to the UK 20 years ago, told Insider that he would have participated in fighting against Russian forces if he could.

"It's my duty, to protect my country," he said. "And anything I need to do or they need to do to save, we will do it. Because we are Ukrainians."

Yurii agreed, saying that defending the country was the right thing to do.

"If I was there, I will take my shotgun from my shelf in Ukraine and go. But I am here because my parents took me here six years ago," said Yurii.

"I'm just true Ukrainian," Anton added. "All of Ukraine is strong if they work together."

Protestors planted signs urging leaders to cut off Russia on the fence outside of a UK government building, Whitehall.

Henry Dyer/Insider

On Monday, Russian President Vladimir Putin recognized two separatist regions in eastern Ukraine and announced he would send troops to those regions.

'No Putin, No War,' one sign read.

Henry Dyer/Insider

Early on Thursday morning, Putin announced a "special military operation" in Ukraine in a televised speech that coincided with a special UN Security Council meeting. Shortly after the speech, the Russian attack began and explosions were heard in cities throughout the country.

After speaking with Insider, Yurii and Anton departed saying 'Slava Ukraini!' which can be translated to 'Glory to Ukraine!

Hesther Ng/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images

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