Sunday, May 01, 2022


Russia introduces the Ruble in the Kherson region of Ukraine


World » UKRAINE | April 28, 2022, Thursday 
Bulgaria: Russia introduces the Ruble in the Kherson region of Ukraine@Pixabay

The ruble will be introduced in the Russian-controlled Kherson region of Ukraine on May 1, a spokesman for the region's pro-Russian military-civil administration said.

Kirill Stremousov, deputy head of Russia's military-civilian administration in the Kherson region, told the Novosti news agency that both the Russian ruble and the Ukrainian hryvnia will be used in the region over the next four months. He added that after the transition period, only the ruble will remain in circulation.

Stremousov rejected allegations by the Ukrainian side that a referendum on independence was being prepared in the region, stressing that the main task now was to restore the region's economy.

Yesterday, Russian President Vladimir Putin threatened a "lightning response" in the event of foreign intervention in Ukraine.

"We have all the tools to do that. Tools that no one can brag about. We will not brag. We will use them if necessary. And I want everyone to know that."

Meanwhile, the Belgorod Oblast administration in Russia announced new explosions last night. Locals said on social media that the air defenses had been activated. So far no reports of casualties and destruction.

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