Thursday, July 21, 2022

China's winning approach to African investment

Many African decision-makers see their relationships with Europe as recipients of aid, rather than as equal partners on the ground, according to the Friedrich Naumann Foundation. DW examines why this gives China an edge.

This expressway in Nairobi, Kenya was built by a Chinese state-owned company

The Nairobi Expressway winds through the metropolis like a giant river on stilts. It stretches over 27 kilometers (17 miles) through the heart of the Kenyan capital and connects the West African country's most important airport with Nairobi's central business district, the National Museum and the Presidential Palace.

Construction under the aegis of China took only two years. Now the toll road is helping to relieve the city's congested traffic arteries.

China's state-owned companies are increasingly ahead of their European competitors with swift decisions and speedy implementation of contracts in Africa. That's according to a study published in June by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom, a German organization for liberal and libertarian politics. The foundation is affiliated with Germany's Free Democratic Party, currently in a coalition government with Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

Railway of friendship
When the Tanzania-Zambia Railway (TAZARA) project was completed in 1976, it was China's largest single foreign-aid package and a symbol of Beijing's support for newly independent African countries. China dispatched nearly 50,000 engineering and technical personnel to work on TAZARA. However, this mighty project has been waning since the late 1990s. Now the train transports more copper than people.

Europe exports values

More than 1,600 decision-makers from 25 countries were surveyed, including top managers, employees of NGOs and civil servants.

Their answers paint a picture of a Europe that seeks above all to export its values to Africa, while loans, excavators and workers come from China.

"The Clash of Systems" is how the foundation describes the results of the online survey conducted by Kenya's Inter Region Economic Network think tank.

China also financed a railway that was launched in 2019

Europeans are perceived by decision-makers as having an edge on most performance indicators, according to Stefan Schott, a project manager for East Africa and the Global Partnership Hub at the Friedrich Naumann Foundation.

Social standards, the provision of jobs for locals, environmental standards and the quality of products stand out, he said.

On a list of 17 criteria, Chinese companies come out ahead on only four indicators — they make decisions more quickly, implement projects faster, interfere less in internal affairs and have fewer qualms about using corruption.

Guardians of the land
Alon Kiiza, an elder of the area's Indigenous Bagungu community, lives in the rural Buliisa district at the epicenter of this ongoing, foreign-led scramble for the continent's natural resources. The 88-year-old is among many there watching the industrial hubbub with concern. "Drilling for oil will disturb the ecosystem," he said. "The spirit of the land does not connect well with these machines."

'Paternalistic behavior' a problem

"Obviously, these are the most important factors; there is no other way to explain the success of the Chinese in Africa," Schott said in an interview with DW.

Europeans would have to draw their conclusions from this. It also affects their reputation for imposing regulations, he said.

"The paternalistic behavior of the Europeans is a problem; the Africans have difficulties with that," Schott emphasized.

Watch video03:28
Is China Africa's new colonial power?

In view of this realization, what is the recommendation for German and European Africa policy?

"We would never advise throwing the European values of democracy, human rights, sustainability overboard. That would damage Europe's position," said Schott.

But countries would have to examine whether one should approach conditions in Africa with European standards.

"If the best standards are so high that the Chinese always receive the bid for business, you haven't done any good for the social situation," he said.

The European Union talks about values, he said, but if a constructed road leads to a village, that's also a value.
A European investment bank for Africa?

Schott also brought up the idea of a European investment bank, with a mandate for quick decisions. To facilitate this speed, all 27 EU member states would not have to be consulted in advance.

The partnership at eye level, which European politicians like to emphasize, must definitely be examined.

"The survey participants don't see that, but rather perceive Africa as an aid recipient," Schott added.

The EU wants to invest in Africa — but puts strong values on good governance before any finances are agreed

For James Shikwati, a Kenyan economist and co-author of the study, this is precisely the crux of the matter: Europeans are stuck in their outdated view of Africa, Shikwati told DW.

They dictate to Africans what they need and are trapped in their own value system, which holds them back. Europe emphasizes governance, while the Chinese focus on "hardware," the concrete infrastructure to touch.

"They ask: Which road should be built from where to where? But the Europeans first check how many insects walk over it," said Shikwati, laughing. "It doesn't work that way in Africa," he added.
Rethinking required on both sides

Europe needs to tailor its investment plans and approaches to engagement to specific regions and manage them flexibly, he said.

For Africa, that means offering competitive and strategically focused policies rather than fighting existing ones, Shikwati added.

That's the old Europe, he said, but what's needed is a new way of thinking. "It's not just about migrants coming from Africa, but the incentive should be the huge opportunities that exist in Africa for investment and development."

Only 4% of Chinese investment flows to Africa, the economist said. The rest goes to the United States, Europe and other regions.

But that 4% has produced a lot in poor African countries in just under 20 years — while consolidating China's influence as the continent's most important trading partner.

How many elections a government holds and how human rights are respected is important, Shikwati stressed.

However, this will not bring about a major turnaround for African countries.

This article was originally published in German



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    • PLO Lumumba | Why Africa is Attractive To China | China Is Africa's New Colonial Master | Part 1

      Jun 7, 2020

      Africa Web TV

      China is Africa's new colonial master according to PLO Lumumba. He is a staunch Pan-Africanist who has delivered several powerful speeches alluding to or about African solutions to African problems.  Lumumba is the director of The Kenya School of Laws. 

      He is an admirer of Patrice Lumumba and Thomas Sankara, the deceased and assassinated revolutionary leaders of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Burkina Faso, respectively. Patrick Loch Otieno Lumumba has referred to and quoted them several times in his speeches.

      This speech on how to make Africa work was delivered in Ghana in 2019.

      0:00 Africa is Attractive

      2:48 Globalisation

      6:45 Africa can be great again

      10:54 New threats 

      12:50 Learning from China

      14:42 China taking over African minds

      16:20 Africa agenda 2063

      21:01 African leaders

    •  Part 2 is here -

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