Saturday, December 24, 2022

"Homo healers“ are not forbidden – but they should be
Story by Refresh News • 8h ago

Provided by Refresh Lifestyle CAEN

When you’re sick, you go to the doctor. And if you’re homosexual, then you go into treatment. Sounds logical doesn’t it? That is at least the point of view of some organizations, mainly Christian ones, that offer such treatments: “re-educate” homosexuals. That’s no longer the case in New York. The US state banned so-called conversion therapies, at least for minors, a few days ago. It’s the 15th state to outlaw the expertly-disapproved practice of converting homosexuals to heterosexuality.

But hey, that doesn’t matter! In Germany you can still do it. Political parties have repeatedly pushed for a ban, and doctors and psychotherapists warn of the serious damage caused by the „re-education“. Nevertheless, conversion therapies are still allowed in our country. How can that be? And how does conversion therapy actually work?
Mental pressure, cold showers and nude dances

What happens when trying to get a “patient” on the path to heterosexuality can only be guessed at. There are only a few testimonials on the internet. Former participants report from talk therapies, in which they are drummed into thinking that they are not „normal“, that their physical feelings are not right. And they are alone in that. Others even tell of physical torment and weekends away from civilization, with cold showers and nude dancing. Even if no organization openly offers conversion therapy, evangelical and Christian groups with such offers are particularly noticeable: In 2014, the Christian association for life orientation in Germany made headlines with itthat he classifies homosexuality as a mental disorder and promotes treatments. That came out in a question that the Greens asked in the Bundestag at the time. Other clubs that appear there: The Association of Catholic Doctors, the White Cross, desert power and the Offensive Young Christians.

Doctors and the church are also against the therapy

In the eyes of these associations, homosexuality is a disease that can – and must – be cured. Sexual orientation has long been recognized as such: the American Psychiatric Association removed it from its diagnostic classification system as early as 1974, and the World Health Organization followed suit in 1992. Scientists and doctors have long agreed that homosexuality is not “abnormal”. The German Medical Association, the World Medical Association and civil rights organizations have years ago public statements submitted, in which they expressly reject conversion therapies. Even the evangelical church in central Germany did that. Only politicians have not yet managed to ban the „re-education therapies“ by law.

„Charlatans who make sick instead of healing“

And that’s dangerous. Experts classify the consequences of such therapy, especially for young people, as serious: there is talk of Fears, social isolation, depression and even suicide. Volker Beck, then a member of the Bundestag for the Greens, formulated it even more strikingly some time ago: „Homo healers are charlatans and make people ill instead of healing.“ So: Conversion therapies are a violation of human rights. And have long been banned.

New York and EU: A wake-up call? Hopefully!

Because for the clubs it is probably one thing above all: quick money. For example, homosexuals pay 600 dollars for conversion therapy in the USA – for a single weekend. And in Germany? It could even happen that the health insurance pays in the end. This also settles the bills for psychotherapeutic sessions on which no therapy goal is noted.

Germany is damn late. The US shows them how, and the European Parliament voted by a large majority just last year to ban conversion therapy by law.This actually lays a foundation stone that Germany should urgently build on now.

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