Saturday, December 24, 2022



As we approach the end of the year, we tend to look back and reflect on how this year has passed and what it meant for us. We also look ahead and hope that next year will be happier, healthier, and safer. 

Nadine is reflecting too. She is an eloquent and passionate 11-year-old Palestine refugee who wrote a letter to the world. A letter that speaks straight to the heart, expressing the hope of millions of Palestine refugee children.

The suffering of Palestine refugee children pushes their psychological and physical condition to the brink. Nadine is a child with hopes and dreams. She asks the world for a chance to live peacefully and enjoy her fundamental human rights, such as education, proper nutrition, safety, and security. 

 During this holiday season, seize the opportunity today and lend a caring hand to Palestine refugees. As Nadine said, we will not forget your kindness.  

Tis the season of giving

With immense gratitude,
Yasmine El-Maghrabi
Digital Engagement Officer, UNRWA

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