Sunday, February 12, 2023


TNPF MP Kajendren arrested alongside peaceful protesters

Sri Lankan police have arrested Tamil National People’s Front (TNPF), Selvarajah Kajendren, for his involvement in the black flag protests against the Sri Lankan president’s visit to Jaffna.

The senior TNPF MP was forcibly dragged by armed police and shoved into the back of their vehicle. He was arrested alongside 9 other protesters including TNPF media spokesperson kanagaratnam Sugas. The arrests took place at a bus stop in Jaffna.

During the demonstration, police were seen assaulting the peaceful demonstrators.

These demonstrations follow a four-day demonstration calling for an end to the military occupation of the Tamil homeland and for the right of Tamils to self-determination. The demonstrators also called for Sri Lanka to be referred to the International Criminal Court for the genocide it has committed against Eelam Tamils.  

TNPF MP released on bail after being arrested for protesting visit by Sri Lankan President

The Tamil National People's Front (TNPF) MP Selvarajah Kajendren was released on bail last night after being arrested for protesting against Ranil Wickremesinghe's visit to Jaffna. 

Kajendren was arrested alongside 17 others, including TNPF lawyer Kanagaratnam Sugash, for holding a black flag protest during the Sri Lankan President's visit to inaugurate the Jaffna Cultural Hall as a part of Sri Lanka's 75th Independence Day. The day is regarded as a 'black day' for the Tamil nation, as it continues to be occupied by the Sri Lankan state. 

Ranil Wickremesinghe alongside EPDP leader Douglas Devananda at Jaffna Cultural Hall's inauguration event yesterday 

Those who were later produced at the Jaffna Magistrate's residence at 11 o'clock last night and were released on bail for 3 lakhs each. 

The police claimed that the 18 were arrested for holding a protest although they had obtained a court order to stop it from going ahead. 

Last weekend, black flag protests took place across the Tamil homeland to mark Sri Lanka's Independence Day. 

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