Wednesday, July 10, 2024


U.S. Navy Removes CO of Grounded Sea Base Ship From Command

USNS Herschel "Woody" Williams (U.S. Navy file image)
USNS Herschel "Woody" Williams (U.S. Navy file image)




The U.S. Navy has relieved the commanding officer of the expeditionary sea base USS Herschel "Woody" Williams of command of the vessel's Gold Crew following an investigation into the ship's grounding earlier this year.

On May 9, the Williams ran aground just off the port of Libreville, Gabon, where the vessel was making a call as part of the Obangame Express antipiracy exercise. The ship refloated and freed herself when the tide turned without further incident, a Navy spokesperson told defense news media. 

In all, the ship was aground for about four hours. No injuries or major damage were reported, but it was a career-changing event for the commanding officer: groundings - even soft groundings with an immediate refloat - are almost always followed by the removal of the CO. 

In a statement, the Navy said that while the investigation into the grounding is still under way, it has enough evidence to warrant the removal of CO Capt. Lenard Mitchell. The service added that "naval leaders are entrusted with significant responsibilities" and that it "takes action to hold them accountable when . . . standards are not met." 

Mitchell has 34 years of experience in the service, including commanding officer of the LCS USS Little Rock (decommissioned six years after delivery), weapons officer aboard cruiser USS Gettysburg (the first successfully modernized Ticonderoga-class) and combat systems officer aboard the Spruance-class USS Deyo. As is standard in Navy HR proceedings for commanders, he has been temporarily reassigned to a shore post. 

USS Herschel "Woody" Williams is one of a series of sea base vessels derived from the design of a commercial tanker hull, augmented with a landing deck, extra accommodations spaces, and a lower working deck for small boat launch and recovery. The ships serve as launchpads for special operations and low-intensity missions in permissive environments, like training exchanges or humanitarian relief; they have been successful in service and the Navy has repeatedly increased the size of the series, which currently stands at four hulls in commission and two in construction. The vessels were designed for use by civilian-crewed Military Sealift Command, but were commissioned into Navy service several years ago because of the combat-related nature of the mission set. The Williams is forward-deployed to Souda Bay; sister ship USS Lewis B. Puller is active in the Mideast, and USNS Miguel Keith has operated in the Western Pacific. 

UK Skipper Fined for Falling Asleep and Hitting an Anchored Boat




The UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency has fined a fishing boat skipper about $13,000 for striking an anchored boat off the coast of Sussex. The skipper fell asleep on watch, according to the MCA. 

On January 15, 2022, fishing captain Maurice Reid was at the helm aboard the fishing vessel Margaret Anne, a UK-registered scallop dredger. The vessel was transiting past Shoreham, off the southern coast of Sussex, when it approached the anchored fishing vessel Blackbird.

The crew of the Blackbird detected the Margaret Anne's approach and understood the risk of a potential casualty. They tried to get the attention of the skipper, but got no response. In order to lessen the impact, they pulled on the anchor cable to "maneuver" as best they could as Margaret Anne closed in. 

The force of the impact caused minor injuries to two crewmembers aboard Blackbird. Margaret Anne continued on her voyage; the captain had been asleep, and the crew only realized that something was amiss when they looked out to see what was going on. 

Reid, 44, pleaded guilty to failing to do what was required of a master to prevent serious damage to another ship or person (under UK shipping law). He also pleaded guilty to failing to maintain a proper lookout. 

Reid was sentenced to 100 hours of community service, a fine of $13,000, and eight months imprisonment (suspended for 12 months). 

"The UK fishing industry has the highest proportion of deaths and serious injury per capita of any industry within the UK. Many events involving casualties on fishing vessels are a result of complacency, neglect and flagrant disregard for the law. This is unacceptable and those fishers and owners who put lives at risk will be prosecuted," said MCA investigator Martin Hayward in a statement. "[This incident] could have had disastrous consequences were it not for the quick thinking of those on the vessel in danger."

Margaret Anne (ex name Georg Lou N) has had several previous casualties and encounters with the authorities. As Georg Lou N, she reportedly spilled diesel during a fuel transfer in Scarborough Harbor in 2018; was fined for illegal fishing earlier the same year; and went aground in Stranraer Harbor in 2014. She has been sold twice since these previous incidents occurred; the latest owner is not registered in her Equasis record. 

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