Sunday, September 29, 2024

‘Isolation and political solution in the Middle East’ conference at the Labour University of Geneva

A conference in Geneva discussed the absolute isolation of Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan and a political solution in the Middle East with a focus on Kurdistan and Palestine.

Sunday, 29 September 2024, 14:30

As the total isolation imposed on Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan enters its fourth year, the "Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, a Political Solution to the Kurdish Question" initiative launched by the friends of Kurds worldwide on 10 October 2023, continues with various events.

As part of the events to be held in October, a conference on Kurdistan, the situation of Kurdish women and isolation was held in Geneva on Saturday.

The conference ‘For a political solution in the Middle East: Palestine, Kurdistan - Intifada, Serhildan‘, organised by the Geneva Democratic Kurdish Community Centre (NCDK-Ge) and the Swiss Kurdish Women's Union (YJK-S), was held at the Amphitheatre of the Labour University of Geneva (Université ouvrière de Genève).

The conference, which was supported by the Communist Revolutionary Party (PCR) and the internationalist Serhildan (Uprising) Network, was attended by HDP MP Ayşe Acar Başaran, PCR representative Luc Rolli, activist Nadina from the Solidarity Committee for Rojava and a representative from the Solidarity Network for Palestine.

The conference started with a minute of silence in memory of the martyrs of the world revolution.

Ayşe Acar Başaran, who made the first speech at the conference, referred to the international conspiracy against Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan, which started on 9 October 1998, and made a presentation on the system of absolute isolation and torture that has been going on in İmralı High Security Prison, where Öcalan is held, for 25 years.

Ayşe Acar Başaran stated that the torture of isolation in İmralı under the supervision of international states has spread to the whole country. She said: “The occupation of Kurdistan and the genocidal attacks against the Kurdish people are continued today with attacks against Kurdish politics, Kurdish language, nature, women and children.”

Referring to the ‘Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, a Political Solution to the Kurdish Question’ campaign, which was launched globally by the friends of the Kurdish people on 10 October 2023 against all these attacks carried out on the basis of isolation, occupation and genocide, Ayşe Acar Başaran said, “At this stage, internationalist solidarity must be increased. Every support from the friends of the Kurdish people will make this campaign a success.”

The conference continued with a presentation by Luc Rolli, representative of the PCR (Communist Revolutionary Party).

Luc Rolli said that the capitalist system and especially NATO, which acts under the control of the USA, sends peoples to war in order to expand its sphere of influence.

Rolli stated that the genocidal attacks carried out by the Turkish and Israeli governments for decades are the Third World War waged by the capitalist powers against the peoples of the world and especially the Middle East.

Emphasising that the Rojava Revolution created by the Kurdish Freedom Struggle and the struggle of the Palestinian people have created a spirit of resistance against the capitalist system, Rolli added the following: “These struggles will secure the right to self-determination of the peoples in the Middle East and pave the way for democratic and social confederalism that will lead to the liberation of the peoples of the Middle East and the whole world.”

Luc Rolli's presentation was followed by the second part of the conference, where presentations were made by the activists of the Committee for Solidarity with Rojava and the Network for Solidarity with Palestine.

After the question and answer session, posters of Abdullah Öcalan were raised by the participants as part of the ‘Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, a Political Solution to the Kurdish Question’ campaign and the conference was concluded.

Culture and Art Campaign for the Freedom of Abdullah Öcalan initiative in Cologne

"We are launching a Culture and Art Campaign for the Freedom of Abdullah Öcalan," said TEV-ÇAND and Kevana Zêrîn adding that they will hold a big event at the Cologne Dom Cathedral.


TEV-ÇAND and Kevana Zêrîn will hold a big event for Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan in Cologne, tomorrow.

Performers, painters, theater actors and folk dance actors will participate in the event titled "Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan". The event will be held in front of the Dom Cathedral between 1 and 5 pm.

Speaking to ANF, Hozan Şemdîn said: "Singers and musicians will attend the event with their own instruments. We will all wear national clothes. Our painters will exhibit their paintings. We invite all our people to this event."

Hozan Şemdîn also said that hundreds of TEV-ÇAND members from all branches of art will be present at the event.

During the four-hour program, songs about Abdullah Öcalan and Kurdistan will be sung, and the dance groups will perform folkloric dances. In addition, information will be given about the condition of Abdullah Öcalan.

'Culture and art campaign for Abdullah Öcalan's freedom'

TEV-ÇAND and Kevana Zêrîn published a joint written statement to present the event saying: "We support the Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, Political Solution to the Kurdish Question campaign."

The statement also drew attention to 10 December, the day on which the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted at the United Nations in 1948.

"The 75th anniversary of this declaration will be on 10 December 2023. The Turkish state accepted this declaration in 1949. However, the inalienable human rights of the Kurds have been systematically violated by the Turkish state every day for 75 years."

The statement also underlined that Abdullah Öcalan was the theorist and philosophical leader of the Kurdish Freedom Movement and that he had been kept under heavy isolation for 24 years. "The isolation imposed on Rêber Apo [Abdullah Öcalan] is essentially an isolation imposed on his political ideas and his proposal and work to have a successful peace process. Isolation is illegal and is a form of torture. In order to break the isolation, we are launching the 'Culture and Art Campaign for the Freedom of Abdullah Öcalan'."

The statement pointed out that Kurdish literature, history, music and art are denied and banned by the Turkish state and said: "This is cultural genocide. All kinds of oppressive violence are applied to the Kurdish people and unlimited assimilation policies are implemented. All of these are crimes. We reject this cultural genocide. We are fighting for it to end."

The joint statement ended as follows: "As Kurdistan artists, we do not accept the isolation imposed on Rêber Apo. We declare that we will participate with our art in the events organized to break the isolation and achieve Rêber Apo's physical freedom."

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