Sunday, September 29, 2024

Autonomous Administration sets up crisis desk for Syrian returnees from Lebanon

The Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria set up a crisis desk for the safe resettlement of those returning from Lebanon due to Israeli attacks.

Sunday, 29 September 2024

According to the United Nations, more than 50,000 people have fled to Syria as a result of the ongoing Israeli attacks in Lebanon. Syrian media report much higher numbers. The Democratic Administration of North and East Syria (DAANES) declared itself ready to accept Syrian returnees from Lebanon earlier this week. As the DAANES Department for Foreign Affairs announced today, a crisis management team has been formed for this purpose. Thousands of people have already arrived in the region.

Gulistan Eli, Deputy Co-Chair of the Foreign Relations Department of the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (DAANES), delivered a statement of next steps at the border between the Autonomous Region and the Damascus-controlled area of Syria, saying that the crisis unit had been decided at an emergency meeting and comprised of representatives from the institutions responsible for hosting the refugees. The aim is to ensure the safe return of Syrians from Lebanon and to provide for their accommodation.

Gulistan Eli explained that refugees are received and registered by the crisis unit upon their arrival in North and East Syria. After their identities have been established, people who come from the region and can stay with their families can continue their journey. For refugees without this option, the DAANES will provide accommodation. The crisis unit will monitor the accommodation process.

Gulistan Eli called for support from the international community and the reopening of the Til Koçer (Al-Yarubiyah) border crossing for humanitarian aid. The border crossing with Iraq was closed in 2018 by decision of the UN Security Council at Russia's insistence. The DAANES representative called on the government in Damascus to facilitate access to the autonomous region for refugees.

1300 Syrians returning from Lebanon have reached Raqqa Canton.

Saturday, 28 September 2024

Thousands of Syrian citizens in Lebanon are returning to Syria due to the war between Israel and Hezbollah.

The Lebanese representation of the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria established a committee on 24 September for Syrian refugees returning to the region.

Stating that 1,300 Syrian citizens have reached Raqqa Canton so far, Hesen El Xabûr, head of the Raqqa Canton Drivers Union, noted that more families returning from Lebanon will also arrive in the city.

The Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, in coordination with the Social Affairs and Labour Council and the Relief Office, announced that a large number of buses have been arranged to bring refugees from Homs and Damascus to the region and that their names will be registered to provide the necessary assistance.

In addition, 3 Syrian families arrived from Lebanon to Girê Spî refugee camp in Ain Issa.

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