Saturday, January 28, 2006

Blogging Tories Jump Ship

As I predicted the Blogging Tories no longer have anything to say now that their boy Harper is in the House.

So one of the founding members of the aggregator known as Blogging Tories has hung up his blog and forums and gone into retirement, job done. Liberals trashed. Conservatives victorious.

Time to grow up and take care of lifes responsibilities like the wife and kids, and the grass in the back yard.

Now if the rest of them would follow suit.

Conservative Life is saying goodbye

After two years of blogging I've decided to hang up the gloves. It has proven to be a lot of fun and a lot of aggravation. I have two young children and a wife that deserve more attention than I've been giving them (especially during the election). I would like to thank my fellow bloggers for all of their contributions and all those who bothered to comment on my opinions.

A few days back CL crossed the 1,000,000 hit mark and the forums reached 1,000 members. It will be hard to let this website go but it is something I must do. I will still be involved in the maintenance of the Blogging Tories website and will comment lots in the member blogs.

Thanks everyone. It has been fun..


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