Saturday, January 28, 2006

Hamas Refuses To Recognize Harper

An unnamed spokesman for Hamas today told this blog that the new Hamas government in Palestine will not recognize Stephen Harper as Prime Minister of Canada or his new Conservative Government.

"We had a landslide victory and Harper refuses to recognize us as the legitimate government of the Palestinians, what a joke. He has a squeeker of an election and a minority government and he wants recognition. We certainly have more legitimacy then his government. "

The unnamed Hamas spokesman suggested the Conservative Leader and PM designate was unduly influenced by Canadian Blogger Warren Kinsella and expatriates like David Frum.

"Now that Carolyn Parrish is gone they only have Hamas to kick around" the unnamed spokesman said.

Harper,the new Canadian PM designate is upset over the issue of the Palestianian armed struggle.

"He is mad because we have a military and he doesn't." said the unnamed spokesman.

The Palestinians' democratic choice must be respected

The excuses given for refusing to deal with Hamas will not wash. This is a chance for Europe to have an independent role

Jonathan Steele
Friday January 27, 2006
The Guardian

A tip o the blog to BBS and Arabian Dissent for this, you guys inspired me.

Yes this is a satire.

For a good non-satirical article see:
The government of Hamas should be recognized!

Previous articles on Hamas


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