Thursday, January 19, 2006


If the Conservatives get elected to govern will Blogging Tories be as quick to dig up scandals like this?

Some how I doubt it. Call me naive, but I really, really, doubt it.

So what will Angry in the Great White North have to write about then. Come to think of it what will Kinsella have to write about.

For that reason alone folks should Vote Liberal. There I said it.

But I didn't mean it. Really.
Just being a lil stinker.

I am just concerned about all those Anti-Liberals disappearing from the Blogosphere cause they have nothing else to say. No wait they will all get jobs in PR for the new Harper state.



Andrew said...

I think it really depends on the individual blogger how they react to having their party of choice in power.

I've never been one to shy away from flaying the CPC when the do something dumb (like Grewal), and if they started governing poorly I would be sure to use my blog to hold them accountable.

Blind partisans (i.e. a CPC version of Jason Cherniak) will certainly defend the gov't at all costs.... but people like that are pretty easy to out as hypocrites.


Well said I try not to be to rah rah regarding the political parties perse, even those I support. Because i have always beleived in critical support, the right to criticize.