Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Edmonton Strathcona A Horse Race

Brad Lavigne of the NDP war room on Don Newmans Politics (CBC Newsworld) this morning stated that the NDP made a break through in Alberta coming in second place in the province for the first time ever. Must have read my blog from the other day.

And Jack Layton is making another trip here. Which puts him just behind Jim Harris of the Green Party for visits to Alberta and ahead of both Harper and Martin.

And where is Jack coming to in Edmonton? Why the neck and neck race in Edmonton Strathcona of course. What haven't you been reading my blog. This is the one to watch. Too close to call.

Jack will be out rallying the troops for Linda Duncan and the Edmonton Strathcona Campaign.

Linda and Jack Layton

The Elect Linda Duncan campaign proudly presents

Federal NDP leader Jack Layton

at a rally for Linda Duncan
Wednesday, January 18th, at 7:30PM
Bonnie Doon Community Hall, 9240-93 St.

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