Wednesday, January 04, 2006


Poor deluded Herr Patels he likes to call people names but can't take it when he is outed for his blogosphere political identity psychosis. But hey I got him to write about me again. Thanks Werner. He has however learned not to link to my website when he attacks me, as he did, again today in his blog item Clarifications

As Mark Twain once said; "Only kings, presidents, editors, and people with tapeworms have the right to use the editorial "we."

It appears that the singular author of Alberta Avenue has this problem and I don't think its' because he has tapworms. To be an editor means you actually have someone, other than yourself, to edit. So I will leave it to you dear reader, does this not sound like a case of multipleblog personality psychosis;

Eugene Plawiuk has attacked this online magazine and one of its authors claiming that AlbertaAvenue - The Voice of Alberta does not know where it stands.

This blog claiming to be an online magazine has only ONE author, poor deluded Werner.

He knows full well the Le Revue Gauche is a journal of Libertarian Communism, which is a school of poltical and philosophical anarchism, but he prefers in his haste to comment to shorten it to communist. Either that or he is red-baiting. Could it be? Say it ain't so, in this day and age!

This seems terribly disingenuous for a 'professional' translator of languages. He cannot even translate or even transliterate the term Libertarian Communist correctly. I will not be hiring him to do translations of any Marx or Hegel or heck even
Gustav Landauer for me anytime soon. And perhaps this is why as a professional translator he has so much time on his hands.

His current attack on me of course clarifies nothing, it merely repeated his rambling illogic of why he supports the parties he does which I pointed out in my orginal article makes him a certified political opportunist at best or a certiriable nutbar at worst.

So I suggest that since he is planning to run for the Provincial Liberals he should resign immediately rather than wait, since all his blogging will come back to haunt him. Just like it did Klander and Stamp.

No, No, Werner don't thank me I just don't think you are ready to run for any party until you get over your political psychosis. And your overt fixation on gay politicians like Svend Robinson. Which you say is the reason you can't support the NDP......

In addition, we cannot condone their decision to put up an ex-con and jewel thief as a candidate, which goes against their repeated claims of fighting against thieves in government.

And he uses that royal 'We' thingee again just like Her Majesty.


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