Monday, January 09, 2006

Rahim Jaffer MIA

Rahim Jaffer the laziest MP in Ottawa did it again. Following in the footsteps of his leader, who also refused to debate his opponents when he ran for the Alliance Party, Rahim missed last nights Edmonton Strathcona All Candidates Forum. Shows how little he cares for his constiuents, for the process of democracy and exposes his arrogance. Maybe he was out drinking with his old pal The Third Edge of the Sword.

Notice the empty chair on the right
it's where Rahim would be

A tip o the blog to
Idealistic Pragmatist for this



  1. Yep well thats politics when your the incumbent everyone is out to get you. So will he make the next two forums cause its only going to get worse. Or do we have to put the big chicken in his chair?

  2. Eugene, I'm fascinated by your distaste for Rahim Jaffer. What are some of your main concerns with him or his policies? I am a Rahim Jaffer supporter and I think we need many more moderate conservatives in parliament like him. I am sure that he had a very good reason for missing the forum and I am certain that he would not skip it to "go out drinking." You are making an extremely baseless claim. Mr. Jaffer has never taken his incumbancy for granted and I am sure he is working his ass off for his constituents.

    On a side note. I used to go to Old Scona about 6 years ago and I recall at the time you were the head custodian. I just wanted to thank you for your hard work. Everybody usually takes the janitor for granted and I did at the time. But I have a newfound appreciation for the individuals that keep our schools clean. Thank you.
